
Immunotherapy Is Alternative Therapy of Dialysis for End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

In many countries, dialysis is the only choice for uremia patients or stage 5 chronic kidney disease. Dialysis can indeed clear the waste and extra fluid from the body and prolong the life expectancy of patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) or stage 5 CKD. However, many people want to choose an alternative therapy considering dialysis can only be a replacement treatment. On the other hand, dialysis will lead to a series of complication such as low blood pressure, sleep problem, low calcium, and so on. Is there an alternative treatment for End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)?
1. kidney transplant Herbal Medicine and Kidney Disease
Kidney transplant can really prolong the survive time, which however has some disadvantages. Firstly, the donated kidney is difficult to get. Secondly, operation has risk. Thirdly, although the operation is successful, End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients should take in medicine which prevents rejection.
2. immunotherapy Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy What Can I Do to Prevent Fainting Spells During Dialysis
Immunotherapy has no disadvantages mentioned in the above and can also repair the damaged cells, adjust the immune system and diminish symptoms forever as well as increase the level of GFR, which is short for glomerular filtration rate. In immunotherapy, the core medicine is traditional Chinese medicine, which can achieve the effects that western medicine can not achieve. For example, western medicine such as hormone and immunosuppressive agent can only clear the immune complex in blood, while traditional Chinese medicine can also clear that in the kidney, thus stopping the immune inflammatory response and stopping the damage in the kidney. In addition, it can also repair the damaged cell, thus reviving immune system. Herbal Medicine Treats Kidney Disease
In recent years, on the basis of traditional Chinese medicine, a more convenient therapy called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is applied, which is more popular and convenient.

Immunotherapy is really an alternative therapy for patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).

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