
Influencing factors of prognosis of Chronic Nephritis

Chronic Nephritis has complicated causes with long course and different speed of development. For some patients with Chronic Nephritis, their illness condition is relatively stable. Furthermore, their diseases can develop into renal insufficiency over five to six years or twenty to thirty years. For other patients, due to the reoccurrence and sustainable development of their disease, they are more likely to step into renal insufficiency within two to four years. Therefore, timely treatment plays an important the prognosis of their disease. The followings are the influencing factors of Chronic Nephritis disease.
● pathological factors
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Ⅰ. Pathological types: Mild mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis and Membranous nephropathy have good prognosis. Severe mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis have poor prognosis.
Ⅱ. Chronic index: The number of fibrosis crescent, sclerotic glomeruli, and severity of interstitial fibrosis as well as degree of tubular atrophy has close relationship with the prognosis of Chronic Nephritis. The more the fibrosis crescent and sclerotic glomeruli is, the poorer the prognosis of Chronic Nephritis is. Moreover, serious interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy usually indicate poorer prognosis of this disease.
Ⅲ. Usually, the more serious the renal vascular disease, the poorer the Chronic Nephritis is. Medicated Bath and Kidney Disease
● manifestations
Ⅰ. If patients who have Chronic Nephritis have persistent proteinuria and hematuria, their diseases usually have poor prognosis.
Ⅱ. For patients with uncontrolled high blood pressure and decreased renal function, generally speaking, their disease have poor prognosis.
Ⅲ. If patients have obvious following signs such as renal anemia, frequent nocturnal enuresis, renal loss of sodium, fanconi syndrome and renal tubular acidosis, their disease has poor prognosis.
● dietary factor
High protein diet can deteriorate Chronic Nephritis.

Prognosis of Chronic Nephritis can be affected by many factors. If patients with Chronic Nephritis want their disease have a better prognosis, they must receive treatment as early as possible. Only they receive treatment timely, can their disease be controlled effectively.

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