
Patients Who Are in Pregnancy Combined with Chronic Nephritis

What should they pay attention to for the patients who are in pregnancy combined with Chronic Nephritis?

Chronic Nephritis patients who are in pregnancy should have enough rest and sleep, keep stable emotion and prevent from catching cold and getting infected. It is suitable for them to takes food rich in high-protein, vitamin and low in salt. Patients who are in week body condition or combined with Anemia should replenish nourishing foods properly. After entering into second trimester, they should adopt a left lie when lying in bed, and check blood pressure regularly. It is important for patients to have urine test.
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If patients appear high blood pressure or serious edema, they should use hypotensor and diuretic medicine immediately. It is easily for Chronic Nephritis to cause intrauterine growth retardation and stillbirth, so patients should pay attention to fetal monitoring, in order to find and dispose the abnormal condition of fetus. After gestation is up to 28 weeks, patients should stay in hospital to observe the illness condition and adopt the proper measures. The treatment of Chinese Medicine combined with Western Medicine can achieve a good effect.

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