
Does Peritoneal Dialysis Reduces the Urine Flow

Oliguria is defined as passing a reduced urine volume. Oliguria is defined as a urine output that is:
Less than 1 mL/kg/hour in infants.
Less than 0.5 mL/kg/hour in children.
Less than 400 mL/day in adults.
When the kidneys fail to completely remove the wastes and excess fluid out of body, dialysis can replace kidneys to accomplish this task. Firstly, we will explain the reason why decreased urine output after dialysis appears. Dialysis itself helps patients discharge the water, after water is expelled from the body, then it is not hard to explain why the decreased urine output occurs. Moreover, dialysis can reduce the blood flow of kidneys, which is another reason for the decreased urine output after dialysis. Even though dialysis can help patients remove the wastes and excess fluid, it is unable to repair the kidney damage. So after a long term of taking dialysis, there is no doubt that less and less kidney function will be left. With the decline in kidney function, the urine output will become less and less.
Following the dialysis diet
Diet is an important part of treatment for dialysis patients. Certain foods must also be counted in your daily fluid intake. In general, anything that is liquid at room temperature is considered a fluid.
These guidelines may help you follow your recommended daily fluid intake between dialysis treatments:
Avoid salt and salty foods because they can cause thirst and water retention.
Drink only recommended quantities of water and other beverages.
Limit foods that contain liquid, or are liquid at room temperature.
Measure foods accurately. Use a food scale, measuring spoons and measuring cups for both dry and liquid measures.
Monitor your daily weight gain on a digital scale.
Keep a daily food and fluid diary.
The dialysis diet isn’t easy, but your dietitian and other patients can give you tips on how to limit your daily fluid intake and still feel satisfied. For example, when the urge to quench your thirst strikes, suck on a mint, brush your teeth or use a spray bottle to squirt a small amount of water into your mouth for instant relief.

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