
Effect of Hypertension on Kidneys Polyuria

Many patients who have suddenly increased their urination amount or their urination frequency are confused on what the matter is. In fact, hypertension has some effects on kidney polyuria. Next I will introduce this reason elaborately.
Maybe you have not thought that hypertension, also called as high blood pressure, has a relation with kidney polyuria(frequent urination). In fact, there are many reasons that are responsible for polyuria, such as prostatic hyperplasia, urinary infection, Diabetes, intake of some medicines, etc.
However, in clinical the most common cause for polyuria, especially nocturia, is induced by hypertension, namely the high blood pressure. So for the patients with nocturnal polyuria, they should pay special attention to whether they have symptom of hypertension.
Then you may ask how the high blood pressure induces the polyuria. In fact, when the blood pressure increases, on the one hand, it could damage the renal tubule’s function, which makes the urine’s concentration function decreased; on the other hand, hypertension could lead to the glomerular atherosclerosis.
As a matter of fact, high blood pressure could lead to the kidney damage, and the main symptom of this damage is just the increase of night urine. In normal cases, the normal average times for night urine is 0 to 2 times, so if the urination number is often over 3 times a night, this phenomenon should be paid much attention.
As for the treatment of hypertension, especially for the aged people’ hypertension, as well as their symptom of nocturnal polyuria, angiotensin conerting enzyme inhibitors(ACEIs) and angiotensin convberting enzymereceptor blocker are both effective.
Besides the clinical manifestations such as nocturnal enuresis and diuresis, along with the decline of urine concentration, the disease may transform to azotemia, and even Renal Failure(Uremia).

So now we can see that hypertension is not only has a effect on kidney polyuria, but also, it could damage the kidneys and make renal function persistently decline to an irreversible stage. Therefore, hypertension should be paid attention and needed treated as early as possible.

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