
Proteinuria and anemia in stage 3 chronic kidney disease

This article is for all the end stage 3 chronic kidney disease patients with symptoms like proteinuria and anemia.
Why stage 3 chronic kidney disease patients suffer from proteinuria?
Proteinuria is a sign of chronic kidney disease (CKD), which can result from diabetes, high blood pressure, and diseases that cause inflammation in the kidneys. For this reason, testing for albumin in the urine is part of a routine medical assessment for everyone. Kidney disease is sometimes called renal disease. If CKD progresses, it can lead to end-stage renal disease (ESRD), when the kidneys fail completely. A person with ESRD must receive a kidney transplant or regular blood-cleansing treatments called dialysis.
Why stage 3 chronic kidney disease patients suffer from anemia
As the kidney becomes progressively diseased, mechanisms that form scar tissue take over, and with the process of scarring, cells responsible for manufacturing EPO die. These are the same cells that are under feedback control that increase in the face of hypoxia (lack of oxygen reaching body tissues) and decrease EPO production with enriched oxygen. Now, faced with becoming extinct, the production of EPO sharply decreases.
Anemia starts in the third stage of kidney disease when the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is less than 60 cc/min, long before dialysis is necessary. Unfortunately, many patients come to the dialysis unit with anemia, even though it can be easily treated. As kidney disease progresses, anemia worsens.
What is the most effective treatment for proteinuria and anemia in stage 3 chronic kidney disease patients?
From info mentioned above, we have known the reason why we have proteinuria and anemia due to decline of the kidney function. The most effective way is to renew kidney function. Immunotherapy can help stage 3 kidney disease reach this goal. Immunotherapy are primitive cells in human body and they have remarkable potentials of differentiation and regeneration. They can not only regenerate themselves through cell division but also differentiate into tissues or organs or specific cells in the kidneys, so Immunotherapy therapy has obvious effects in repairing the damaged cells in patients’ kidneys.

Now, you may have known that Immunotherapy therapy is the most effective way for proteinuria and anemia in stage 3 chronic kidney disease.

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