
Symptoms and causes high creatinine level

Kidney disease patients always suffered from high creatine level, such as headache, low urine output, swollen hands and legs, pain in the lower back and so on. This article will discuss the symptoms, the causes and the treatment for high creatinine level.
Creatinine is produced by the molecule creatine, which supplies energy to muscles. In the process of muscle contraction, creatine breaks down and results in the production a chemical waste molecule that is creatinine. It is filtered from the body by the kidneys in the process of urination. Creatinine levels in the body are important determinants of kidney function. Unusually high creatinine levels may have a drastic effect on the kidneys and may even lead to kidney failure, because not enough creatinine is being excreted by the kidneys.
Symptoms of high creatinine level
Sometimes, the symptoms of elevated creatinine levels may not be immediately visible. The body's response will depend on the degree of its excess in the body. Excessive creatinine in blood or urine does not always mean there is going to be a serious kidney problem, but it is important to keep a check on it before these levels escalate and go out of hand. Keep a watch for these symptoms: Fatigue, Shortness of breath, Loss of appetite, Fever, Dehydration, Changes in mental stability - confusion or disorientation, Headache, Low urine output, swollen hands and legs, Pain in the lower back and so on.
The causes for high creatinine level
Creatinine levels can increase due to insufficient urine discharge from the body. Improper discharge of urine can be a direct result of any condition that affects the kidneys, such as a blockage or a specific disease.
High levels of protein in the body also contribute to an increase in creatinine levels.
Sometimes levels may increase as a side effect of the intake of certain types of medication.
The presence of high blood pressure and diabetes can also increase creatinine levels in urine.

How to treat high creatinine level is a hot topic among patients with kidney disease. Latest effective treatments for high blood creatinine are Immunotherapy therapy and Immunotherapy in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital. 1000 cases in our hospital have showed that high creatine level can be lowered by these new treatments successfully.

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