
Can Blood Transfusion Improve Renal Anemia

Can blood transfusion improve renal anemia? Rena anemia means that the generation of red blood cells are not enough due to many factors or in uremia stage, toxins in plasma affects the generation or metabolism of red blood cells. It is a complication of renal anemia. Once people have renal anemia, they will have pale look,lip and nail and so on. So many people put forward a question can blood transfusion improve renal anemia(Anemia and Kidney Disease) ?Why Kidney Disease Patients Always Feel Thirsty
On one hand, blood transfusion can indeed help improve renal anemia for the time being. In renal failure stage, red blood cells decrease, hemoglobin is not enough, so a series of symptoms appear such as fatigue, dizziness, heart beating faster and so on. By blood transfusion, red blood cells and hemoglobin can be supplied, which can relieve the symptoms to some extent. In addition, blood transfusion can also enhance the immunity and improve the condition.Herbal Medicine Treats Kidney Disease Herbal Medicine and Kidney Disease Chinese Herbal Medicine New Natural and Effective Treatment for Kidney Disease
On the other hand, blood transfusion can not treat renal anemia from root. Kidney has an important function of secreting EPO(erythropoietin), a kind of hormone which can promote the generation of red blood cells. So after kidney fails, red blood cells will decrease, thus causing renal anemia. So from the above, we can know that blood transfusion can not treat renal anemia from root. To treat it fundamentally, we should revive renal function.A Natural Herbal Treatment for Kidney Failure Stage 5 How to Treat Kidney Failure With Chinese Medicine

On the basis of pathological mechanism, many kidney failures are caused by immune disorder. So Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is researched to treat renal failure, which contains herbal medicine that can repair the damaged cells in the kidney. In addition, it can also enhance the immunity for there is active material in it and can treat kidney failure from root. What’s more, after immune system is normal, kidney disease will not relapse.

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