
Is Kidney Transplant the Best Treatment for Uremia (Renal Failure)

Is kidney transplant the best treatment for uremia (renal failure)? In the whole world, about one out of ten people have or have been diagnosed with kidney disease, which will develop into ESRD also called end stage renal disease eventually if the treatment is not effective or kidney disease is not diagnosed in an early stage. In kidney failure or uremia stage, GFR, short for glomerular filtration rate has fell to less than 15, which means that there is little blood flow in the kidney and renal fibrosis comes into advanced stage and atrophic kidney will come into being. In this case, more and more kidney failure or uremia people will be in a list of waiting for kidney transplant in hope of revival of kidney. However, is kidney transplant the best treatment for uremia (renal failure) patients? It has some disadvantages also.
Kidney Transplant price, complications, home cares, and precautions Kidney Transplant for Patients with Renal Failure
1. There are so many uremia patients waiting for kidney transplant every year. Yet, the donated kidneys are limited and not easy to get. The waiting time affects them to find out a better therapy.Herbal Medicine and Kidney Disease
2. Kidney transplant has risk more or less. Some even die in the operation table.
3. Even if the kidney transplant for uremia patients is successful, people will continue to take in medicine which prevents the rejection from the body to the new kidney.Herbal Medicine Treats Kidney Disease Suggestion for ESRD Patients to Improve Kidney Function
4. Last but not least, kidney transplant can not treat uremia or renal failure from root for most kidney diseases are caused by immune problem. Although new kidney is transplanted, immune response is still on the go.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Is there a better therapy which can replace kidney transplant? Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a priority for uremia or end stage renal failure patients, which is on the basis of kidney disease’s pathological mechanism that most kidney diseases are caused by immune disorder such as diabetic nephropathy, lupus nephritis, and so on. Immunotherapy can not only stop the immune response but also clear away the immune complex as well as rebuild immune system.

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