
Immunotherapy for Minimal Change Kidney Disease

Minimal change kidney disease is a common disease which leads to nephrotic syndrome. More than half of children primary nephrotic syndrome is caused by minimal change kidney disease.
Among adult primary nephrotic syndrome, 15% to 20% is caused by minimal change. Minimal change is caused by abnormal immune. With the microscopy, we can see that renal glomeruli are almost normal, so we call it minimal change kidney disease.
Typical minimal change can manifest as nephrotic syndrome. The protein in 24 hour urine can be as much as 10g. Different people have degree of microscopic hematuria. But gross hematuria is rarely seen. The blood pressure of people with minimal change kidney disease is usually normal. About one thirds of people have declined GFR also called glomerular filtration rate when they go to hospital for the first time. A few of them have acute renal failure. Nephrotic syndrome caused by minimal change and other diseases have obvious edema. The water is usually in the outside of blood vessels and the amount in the blood vessels is usually not enough, which leads to the insufficiency of blood in the kidney. When the blood supply is in short, which is serious, acute renal failure will take place. In the treatment, a lot of medications are needed. These medicine can also be the cause of acute renal failure. So we should identify it.Will Losing Weight Lead to Nephrotic Syndrome Can Urinary Tract Infection Cause Nephrotic Syndrome
Minimal change kidney disease patients need hormone treatment. The principles are as follows: at the beginning, the dosage should be enough. The speed of reducing dosage should be slow, and the maintain time should be long. Most people can achieve obvious effect and the protein in urine can turn negative. Protein in urine disappears or reduces. It takes a long time to achieve this. It is usually 2 to 3 months. In the course of reducing dosage, it relapses easily. Some rely on hormones. Both of these two conditions need patients use more hormone.
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However, on one hand, hormone has side effects and on the other hand, some minimal change kidney disease patients can not use hormone. Is there an alternative therapy for minimal change kidney disease patients?

On the basis that minimal change is caused by abnormal immune, we researched immunotherapy which can treat it according to the pathological mechanism, but also has no side effect in contrast to hormone for it is a comprehensive therapy and contains herbs from nature.

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