
Side Effects of Hormone for Kidney Disease

Hormone is widely used in clinic, which has side effects however if applied for a long time. In clinic, the hormone we use in most of time is such as prednisone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone, hexadecadrol and hydrocortisone and so on. Hormone has many adverse effects and children and advanced people should be alert.
Generally, the side effects of hormone are as follows:
1. Hormone can decline the defense function of the organic body, leads to infection or make the latent nidus spread. Because hormone can play roles as anti-inflammation, symptoms often are covered by hormone once infection takes place.Hormone Therapy for Nephrotic Syndrome Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Herbal Medicine and Kidney Disease
2. Hormone can lead to cushingoid syndrome. Patients may have central obesity, full moon shaped face, acne, edema or swelling, high blood pressure also called hypertension, and so on. Generally, these symptoms disappear some time after the medication is stopped.Herbal Medicine Treats Kidney Disease Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy A Natural Herbal Treatment for Kidney Failure Stage 5
3. Hormone can also lead to damage of mucous membrane in stomach and lead to digestive ulcer. For those who have large dosage of hormone, other medications should be applied at the same time to inhibit the secretion of gastric acid.
4. Hormone can also lead to diabetes, which mostly takes place in those with large dosage of hormone for a long time. For those who had diabetes, they should monitor blood sugar level and urine sugar level regularly.How to Treat Kidney Failure With Chinese Medicine
5. Amyosthenia can also take place, which spreads to upper limbs, lower limbs, and so on. When this symptom appears, hormone should be stopped at once.
6. Hormone also promote the discharge of potassium and lead to hypokalemia.
7. Long time application of hormone can also lead to osteoporosis and osteonecrosi.

8. Long time application of hormone can also delay the heal of wound, affect the growth of children.

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