
Which Kidney Failure Patients Shouldn't Take Dialysis Treatment

Which kidney failure patients shouldn’t take dialysis treatment? Although there is no complete contraindication for dialysis, not all kidney failure patients can do dialysis. When we are choosing the style of dialysis, we should consider many factors such as age, primary disease, complications, blood vessels condition and prognosis and so on.
1. heart failure
Generally, those who have serious heart failure and can not be able to move are not suitable for dialysis.A Natural Herbal Treatment for Kidney Failure Stage 5 How to Treat Kidney Failure With Chinese Medicine Why Kidney Disease Patients Always Feel Thirsty
2. fetus
Fetus should choose peritoneal dialysis for they can not take maintainance dialysis for a long time. In addition, maintainance dialysis can also influence their growth.
3. metal disease and Senile Dementia
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Those who have mental disease, do not want to cooperate with doctor or have Senile Dementia can also not take dialysis.
4. hepato-renal syndrome and cirrhosis of liver
Those who have hepato-renal syndrome or cirrhosis of liver should not take dialysis either.
5. severe atherosclerosis
Due to bad blood vessels condition, pass way is not easy to build, so severe atherosclerosis kidney failure patients should not take dialysis.

You can choose immunotherapy, the core therapy of which is herbs, has no side effect and can be applied widely.

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