
How Long Can Patients With Stage 4 CKD Live

Many people are intrigued about stage 4 kidney disease life expectancy. After all, as the second most advanced form of this disease, it can not be avoided that a certain amount of fear is associated with its presence. But if you can do something to reverse the side effects of advanced kidney disease, you can dramatically increase your life expectancy.
How Long Can Patients With Stage 4 CKD LiveHow do symptoms affect your life expectancy?
How to Reduce High Creatinine Level 421μmoI/L in Kidney Disease
In stage 4 CKD, there will be accumulation of urea and other waste products that are otherwise excreted from the urine. The increased amount of waste products can affect your other organs such as the heart, and can drastically affect one’s life expectancy. Sometimes the complications can even kill you quicker than the kidney problem itself. Kidney pain is also obvious and it may denote something beyond the decline of kidney efficiency. It may reflect other renal problems such as infection and/or polycystic kidney disease.
How do treatments affect your life expectancy?
The treatments affect the life expectancy of stage 4 kidney disease greatly. There are different forms of treatment available. The use of specific medications combined with specialized diets that emphasizes and reduces specific nutrients. It is known to be effective in increasing life span. But it is not all that effective if the kidney damage is found to be extensive. If there is severe damage to the kidneys, dialysis is the solution. The last resort for treatment is kidney transplant. If surgical complications can be avoided, it can increase the lifespan of stage 4 CKD patients.
Reduce High Creatinine Level 4.59 in CKD with Natural Treatment
However, dialysis and kidney transplant both can bring many side effects so a lot of patients would like to seek for alternative treatments. Are there alternatives to dialysis and kidney transplant for stage 4 kidney patients?
Yes, in our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, China, we have created a series of Chinese medicine treatments including Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Medicinal Soup, Moxibustion Therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Steaming Therapy, etc. They aim to repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function. When renal function is improved, wastes will be removed from your body effectively so as to avoid damages on your other organs. Also it is possible to reduce dialysis times or even avoid dialysis or kidney transplant. Dialysis and kidney transplant are two common treatments but they are not the only options.
Can Creatinine Level 900+ Get Reduced with Natural Treatment
To live longer with stage 4 kidney disease, you should take Chinese medicine treatments which are better than dialysis and kidney transplant. If you have any question, you can leave a message below or consult our online doctor directly.
If you want to know our characteristic treatment with natural remedy to improve kidney conditions, you can contact us through the following methods:
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