
How to Prevent Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) for Patients with Diabetes

Diabetic Nephropathy which is one of the common Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is the major complication of Diabetes. Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy account for near one third of patients with Diabetes. Diabetic Nephropathy makes progress slowly and it is usually appear among patients who have a long history of Diabetes.
In the early stage of Diabetes Nephropathy, microalbuminuria is the only symptom. By this time, if we do not get our disease controlled effectively, Diabetic Nephropathy will worsen and finally develop into Chronic Renal Failure. Therefore, preventing the occurrence of Diabetic Nephropathy for patients with Diabetes is very important.Is Dialysis Necessary for Diabetics With Creatinine 6.2 Is There Any Way to Improve Kidney Function for Diabetic Nephropathy
First of all, patients with Diabetes should make their disease controlled. Long-term high blood sugar can lead to renal ischemia and renal anoxia, increase blood viscosity, increasing the internal pressure of glomerualr blood capillary. Gradually, complications such as Hypertension and Renal Failure appear. By adopting sugar-free diet, doing exercises and taking related medicines, patients can keep their blood sugar in the normal range and stable for the long time, so as to reduce the incidence of Diabetic Nephropathy.How to Treat Eye Problems for Diabetic Nephropathy Why I Feel Cold with Diabetic Nephropathy
Besides, decreasing blood pressure is also very important for patients with Diabetes to prevent the happening of Diabetic Nephropathy. Pressure-lowering treatment is of great importance in improving glomerular filtration. In the early stage of Diabeties, treating high blood pressure sometimes is more important than controlling blood sugar. High blood pressure can cause renal damage, which will lead to Chronic Kidney Disease. So in the early stage, controlling blood pressure is essential in preventing the occurrence of Diabetic Nephropathy.

Moreover, patients with Diabetes should do renal function test regularly. Renal damage does not happen suddenly, and it is a progressive process. Diabetic Nephropathy can be divided into five stages in clinic. Generally speaking, if blood sugar does not get an effective control, then Diabetes will turn into Diabetic Nephropathy without offering patients any obvious symptoms. Thereby, doing renal function test is also necessary for patients with Diabetes.

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