
Protein Intake for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

The intake of protein is also a topic which many patients with Chronic Kidney Disease( CKD) are concerned about. It is known that Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) can be divided into 5 stages according to GFR( glomerular filtration rate). Chronic Kidney Disease( CKD) can have different standard for the intake of protein. For example, in the first stage, nearly all the indexes are normal, so it is not necessary to control or limit the intake or choose of food, including protein.Lavender Tea for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
However, as we know, Chronic Kidney Disease( CKD) is a disease which means that kidney is damaged, including renal intrinsic cells such as renal glomerular filtration membrane, and so on. If Chronic Kidney Disease( CKD) in other stages take in excessive protein, there will be more filtration work for the renal glomerular filtration membrane to do. So in other stages of Chronic Kidney Disease( CKD), patients should keep low protein diet. In addition, the protein should be good quality.Oregano Oil for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
Animal protein and plant protein are different. Animal protein is good quality protein, which can produce less nitrogen. Plant protein in contrast can produce more nitrogen, so patients with Chronic Kidney Disease( CKD) should choose animal protein instead of plant protein. Low protein diet can make GFR( glomerular filtration rate) decline and decrease the volume of renal blood flow, while high protein diet can make the size of the kidney increase, and lead to ultrafiltration, ultraperfusion, thus causing the renal gloemerular sclerosis. So proper amount of protein intake is very important.Green Beans for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Is Snakegourd Good for Kidney Disease Patients
However, not all patients should choose low protein diet. Patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should choose high protein diet because there is a large amount of protein leaking out into urine, and patients in other words suffer from serious proteinuria. A large amount of protein in urine can lead to hypoproteinemia, thus causing malnutrition. In turn, malnutrition of protein can influence the function and structure of kidney. So patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should have high protein diet.Is Green Salad Each Day Good for CKD

For those with chronic renal failure, they should also keep low protein diet. In chronic renal failure stage, the store ability to protein in the body decreases, and the body is in negative nitrogen balance. A lot of research proves that low protein diet can relieve the symptoms of uremia. Low protein diet can also stop the development of renal failure for the time being. So low protein diet is a part of natural treatment of chronic kidney disease.

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