
Chronic Kidney Disease Secondary to Diabetic Nephropathy

Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) could be induced by lots of causes, among which, Diabetic Nephropathy is an important one. Here I will guide you to look at the CKD which is secondary to Diabetic Nephropathy.
It is a long course for Diabetic Nephropathy from its early onset to the end stage of it, and this course usually need about over ten years. At the early stage of ten years, there are nearly not any symptoms, which are usually neglected by patients with Diabetic Nephropathy.
The main pathological lesion part of Diabetic Nephropathy is glomerulus At the early time, we can see that the basilemma of blood capillary thickened, and after that, blood vessels would become to be stenosis or obstruction, thereby, the blood volume flowing through the kidneys become obviously lessens, so the wastes in the blood could not be completely excreted out of the body, when these wastes accumulate to a certain level, then end stage renal disease(ESRD) or Uremia will appear.
Edema and hypertension(High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease) are the basic characteristics of CKD which is secondary to Diabetic Nephropathy. If the CKD caused by Diabetic Nephropathy progresses into the later stage, such as Renal Failure or Uremia, at this time, the damage of kidneys caused by Diabetic Nephropathy could possibly be irreversible.
CKD secondary to Diabetic Nephropathy mainly focuses on the glomerular abnormalities characterized by the vascular damages. At the early time of CKD caused by Diabetic Nephropathy, the GFR would increase and show up a state of hyper filtration, in the later, there will gradually appears the occasional or trace amount of proteinuria or albuminuria. Along with the further progression of this disease, there will be persistent proteinuria, edema, hypertension and the further decline of GFR, at last, there appears the Renal Insufficiency or ESRD, which could be one of the main death reasons for Diabetic Nephropathy.

We can see that Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) secondary to Diabetic Nephropathy will have a bad prognosis, so early prevention is vital important.

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