
Overstrain Can Induce IgA Nephropathy

IgA Nephropathy is a typical chronic kidney disease and nearly 70% patients suffer from this due to long term fatigue and over work. Whatever you are a filmstar, showman or common people, long term overburden has become one of the most important factors to cause IgA Nephropathy. Then what is the link between overstrain and IgA Nephropathy and how to prevent its aggravation to worse condition?
When we are exhausted, together with high work pressure and mental pressure, our immunity will be quiet low and we can easily get upper respiratory tract disease, swelling on his limbs or face, proteinuria and even high blood pressure, faint or other discomforts. All these conditions contain massive immune reaction and massive immune complex can be produced. However, these symptoms are usually neglected by people and they do not monitor their blood pressure and do not see their doctor, because most people think they can recover naturally after a rest. Consequently, their condition aggravate into severe general swelling, hematuria and severe renal impairment.
Massive cases show that IgA Nephropathy is a quite common kidney disease and usually have an occult development, so it is hardly detected in early stage. Many patients did not know when they begin to be attacked by this disease. When they see their doctor due to severe discomforts, their statement is usually overstrain in recent days. Therefore, for those people who have too much mental stress and feel fatigue easily, they should take early precautions and balance work and rest. Especially for those entertainers, they usually have work in special conditions, so they need keep warm and avoid cold. If cold and other discomforts appear, much attention should be given, they should take early rest and proper treatment. And for those people engage in tight work, they should take enough nutrition and take proper exercises so as to improve immunity. Once there is swelling on limb or limb, decreased urine volume, faint and other condition which might indicate renal impairment, patients should take early and proper treatment in professional hospitals to avoid big health problems.
Treatment cases show that early prevention can effectively avoid IgA Nephropathy aggravating into severe condition, and the more mild condition is and the more prompt treatment can give, patients can surely to reduce the occurrence of Uremia and live a longer time. Patients can take below precautions in early stage: patients can take exercise half hour every day and heart beat plus age equals to 170 is the standard. At the very beginning, patients should take exercise step by step, and patients can take walking, jogging, Taiji and other mild exercises. Many people think patients with renal failure should not take exercise, because they think exercise can aggravate illness condition. Illness might frustrate when you just take exercises but as long as you take consistently, your constitution can surely get improved. Besides, patients should pay attention to diet. When renal failure happens, most toxins mess up in human body and poison human body. These toxins are the metabolic products of proteins so patients need control diet intake properly.

Patients need have scientific recognition about IgA nephropathy and take precautions at early time so that the aggravation speed can be reversed properly. For additional information, you can email me.

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