
How Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Treat Cold

In general, one average adult gets two to four times of common cold, with the old and children getting approximately six times. For patients with kidney problems, they are more vulnerable to getting cold due to their low-immunity. And for patients who are now applying hormone treatments, the ratio of getting cold is even higher. So, due to their specified situations, when they get cold, they should pay much more attention on choosing proper medicines.
Antibiotics are more effective.How to Cure the cold in Patients with Nephrotic Syndrome Prevent Flu or cold, if You Are Kidney Disease Patient
When patients with kidney problems get cold, it is easy for them to get bronchiole infection and amygdalitis, which can be caused by bacteria and virus taken from nasal cavity. And these infections will aggravate kidney problems. Antibiotics like cefradine and roxithromycin can quickly sterilize these viruses and alleviate infections.Home Remedies to Treat cold Feet and Kidney Disease Why I Feel Cold with Diabetic Nephropathy  Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Herbal Medicine Treats Kidney Disease
Be carful with the ingredients of medicine
There are various cold medicines, and most of them are made of the same ingredients. There curative effects include being analgesic-antipyretic, reducing hyperemia, being anti-allergic, relieving a cough and other symptoms. But some ingredients need to be excreted from the kidneys and they may cause damages to the kidneys. for example, diclofenac will lead damages to renal function.
Proper and timely treatments are significant.Stage 4 CKD with FSGS, and Keep Having Colds and Fever Stage 5 Kidney Failure: How to Deal with Repeated Cold
Patients with kidney problems usually experience with low-immunity. Infections can easily lead to excessive reaction of immune and the overreaction of immune will cause more damages to kidneys.Herbal Medicine and Kidney Disease
Precaution has always been the gold. Patients with kidney problems should avoid

Hard long time working or exercise, but proper exercises are recommended, and that is helpful for the regaining of strength and the improving of immunity.

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