
Can Chronic Nephritis Patients Eat Beef?

Can Chronic Nephritis Patient Eat Beef?
Many people like to eat beef because of its delicious taste and high nutrition. But it is not very good for Chronic Nephritis patients to eat beef. From Chinese Medicine perspective, beef as stimulating food will easily lead to illness relapse or aggravate the illness condition. Clinical practices have also proven that patients of Kidney Failure caused by Lupus Erythematosus or Chronic Nephritis have a much higher probability of death if beef are taken. While the relationship between beef taking and high risk of death for patients with renal problems is still not that clear, Chronic Kidney Failure patients had better not take the risk.
Chronic Glomerulonephritis is featured by long-term and continuous abnormal urine, such as proteinuria or hematuresis, and there might be hypertension, edema or slowly progressive renal functional decline at the same time. The disease is usually caused by upper respiratory tract infection or other infections. People often neglect it because of its dormant onset and unconspicuous clinical symptoms. The specific pathological feature of kidney damage is the existence of protein and occult blood in urine. Traditionally, doctors use hormone to control the illness condition, but the disease will occur repeatedly. When people control protein and occult blood, at the same time, they should emphasize on the restoration of pathological damages. Patients should have low-salt, low-fat, and low-sugar and proper high-protein diet, avoid eating marine products in the period of treatment.Diet Therapy for Glomerulonephritis
In addition, Chronic Nephritis patients should stick to low-protein diet, protect themselves from infections, and avoid taking medicines which are harmful to the kidneys. Furthermore, patients should be provided with low-salt or salt-free diets, according to the serious level of hypertension and edema situation. When kidney has favorable compensation function, patients should have daily protein 80~120g to replenish the protein loss caused by long-term proteinuria; patients with Renal Insufficiency or Azotemia should limit the protein intake and 0.5g protein intake every day will be proper.Is Cranberry Good For Chronic Nephritis Patients
Chronic Nephritis patients should stick to a proper diet strictly, in order to avoid increasing the kidney burden. Chronic Nephritis patients with oliguria should limit sodium salt, with daily sodium salt intake less than 500 mg. high-potassium foods, such as beef, chicken, lean meat, potato, Chinese chives, three-colored amaranth, celery, rape etc should also be taken as less as possible. Therefore, whether Chronic Nephritis patients can eat beef or not is determined by the patient’s illness condition. .
The diet for Chronic Nephritis patients - Diet and Nutrition Goals for Chronic Nephritis Patients

Patients with hyperkalemia should replenish vitamin and avoid such high-potassium foods as hot pickled mustard tuber, mushroom, nori, fresh orange juice, coffee, strong tea, ginseng extractum, chicken powder etc. During the process of disease, Chronic Nephritis patients will have different degree of high potassium symptoms. Kidney Failure is the most important reason to hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia is caused by the retention of potassium in the body, especially for patients whose glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is lower that 20ml/min, especially for Oliguria patients whose GFR is lower than 5ml/min.Therefore, Chronic Nephritis patients or Uremia patients who are receiving dialysis should reduce the potassium ion intake. Because beef contains a lot of potassium ion, so it is not suitable for Chronic Nephritis patients to eat beef.

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