
Diabetics May Cause Damage in Liver

diabetes and liver damage Diabetes can lead to a series of complications such as diabetic feet, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic kidney disease and so on. Diabetes can also lead to liver diseases. Generally, there are two kinds of liver damage caused by diabetes for a long time.
1. virus hepatitis
Patients with diabetes have high rate of getting virus hepatitis. Generally, the rate for diabetes is 2 to 4 times higher than that of normal persons. It is maybe because diabetics need to inject insulin and monitor blood sugar, which increases the possibility of getting infected. On the other hand, diabetes patients are more sensitive to the virus. It is reported that uncontrolled blood sugar can promote the occurrence of virus hepatitis, cirrhosis of liver and even liver cancer. It is also reported that the primary liver disease for diabetes patients is four times higher than that of normal persons. It is believed that diabetes is a risk factor for liver cancer. So diabetics friend, please be alert to the liver damage and have regular test if necessary.
2. fatty liver
Patients with diabetes have high rate of fatty liver, which can account for 21% to 78%. Diabetes ranks third among the factors which can lead to fatty liver, which just follows obesity and drinking. The main symptoms of fatty liver are such as swelling liver, fatigue and discomfort when being touched.

From the above, we can find out that if not treated well, diabetes will even affect our liver. So we should treat diabetes effectively. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can take effect in adjust the immune system and repair the damaged beta cell, thus causing insulin to secrete normally.

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