
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Treats Chronic Kidney Disease

News 1: Recently, Chinese language office and London South Bank University sign an agreement that in London South Bank University, the first Conficious Institute will be set up.
News2: In London South Bank University, traditional Chinese medicine course will be one formal course, which means that traditional Chinese medicine is widely spread and accepted by more and more people all over the world.
China is one of ancient country with great civilization, which has a long history and rich culture. Accordingly, Traditional Chinese medicine comes into being, which can date back to 3000 years ago, different prescription can be used to treat various diseases, which can achieve marvelous effects including on chronic kidney disease treatment. What is the code? Traditional Chinese medicine is also on the basis of rich Chinese culture, in which, there is a yin and yang theory and five elements theory. The theory goes as follows: everything in the world has one characteristic and can be set as one element among metal, wood, water, fire and earth. They can generate and restrict. For example, water restricts fire, water generates wood, and so on. On the basis of this, traditional Chinese medicine has different prescription, which can be used to treat specific disease including chronic kidney disease.

According to the theory of Chinese culture Daoism, humans follow the earth, the earth follows heaven, heaven follows Daoism and Daoism follows nature. Traditional Chinese medicine is from natural herbs. According to the theory of Chinese medicine, the unbalance of yin and yang leads to chronic kidney disease. Traditional Chinese medicine can adjust the balance of yin and yang, thus making patients keep a normal condition in the body and treating chronic kidney disease from root. After this, symptoms such as protein in urine will diminish for the renal glomerular filtration membrane is repaired. Symptoms will not relapse for people with chronic kidney disease before have a strong figure, which can prevent from the disease.

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