As we all know, high blood pressure is one common symptoms in kidney disease
patients. Is ACE inhibitors good for your high blood pressure (160/110)? Many
patients come to Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital told us they used ACE
inhibitors to control high blood pressure before. When we talked about the
effects of ACE inhibitors, they told us they found the obvious effects at first,
but for long-term effects, they found the side-effects is more than good
effects, they have to take more amount over time. Once they stop taking
medicine, the symptoms of high blood pressure will reoccur.
In fact, many patients are troubled by high blood pressure kidney disease
patients have the same problem, how to solve this problem? We can use new
treatment for high blood pressure instead of ACE inhibitors, such as
Immunotherapy therapy. These days Indians showed some researches on
Immunotherapy therapy in India.
The Times of India reports on early results in using Immunotherapys to repair
nephritis: Indian researchers claim "to have pioneered Immunotherapy therapy for
the first time on patients suffering from acute and chronic nephritis which may
end in kidney failure. Nephritis is an early kidney disease which in many cases
is chronic and becomes resistant to drugs. The disease may lead to kidney
failure. Since we are doing Immunotherapy therapy for kidney transplant
patients, we decided we should also try using it to prevent kidney failure as
well. The Immunotherapy therapy for nephritis has been done in two patients. The
bone marrow and mesenchymal Immunotherapys were delivered directly into the
kidneys through [an artery] so as to help the organ repair the damage cells.
But in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, we have used Immunotherapy
therapy for kidney disease patients with high blood pressure for 20 years. There
are huge amounts of successful cases for you to refer to worldwide. Clinic data
has showed that Immunotherapy therapy can cure about 80% kidney disease patients
with high blood pressure among patients who have kidney function more than
So if you have realized that ACE inhibitor isn’t good for your high blood
pressure (160/110) and kidney disease, welcome you have a new try for
Immunotherapy therapy.