
Six Main Symptoms of Uremia

Six Main Symptoms of Uremia
When GFR, short for glomerular filtration rate declines to less than 15 mg/ dL, it indicates that people have become into uremia stage. Due to the retention of toxins in the body, it will not only damage kidney but also affect the other organs and lead to symptoms in digestive system, nerve system, skin, hemopoietic system, respiratory system and so on, which go as follows:
1. uremia symptoms in respiratory system
Symptom in respiratory system is the early one for uremia patients. In acidosis period, the breath becomes slow and deep. What’s worse, patients may have specific breath.
2. skin itch
Itchy skin is also a common symptom of stage 5 of kidney failure, which is caused by the stimulation of toxins. This is also the early symptoms of kidney failure.
3. cardiovascular system symptoms
Patients with uremia can also have heart failure. Extra fluid in the body forces the heart to work harder and will be damaged over time. Arrhythmia and Impaired myocardium may also take place.
4. nerve system symptoms in uremia patients
In the early stage of uremia, patients can have bad memory, headache, dizziness, misunderstanding and so on.
5. digestive system
Symptoms in digestive system can be loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and so on.
6. hemopoietic system

Hemopoietic system symptoms include anemia, which is the main symptom. In the end stage of renal disease (ESRD), EPO can not be generated so red blood cells can not generated as well. In addition, due to so many toxins, red blood cells will be damaged, which also worsen anemia.

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