
For diabetes who still takes medicines or insulin to control blood sugar

Some diabetes patients usually take medicines or insulin to control high blood sugar. It isn’t a healthy way to deal with this situation as having some medicines or insulin for long term isn’t good for your health. Such as Hydrochlorothiazide, Trimethaphan Camsilate and propranolol some side effects of these medicines including:Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); chest pain; decreased urination; eye pain; fainting; fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat; fever, chills, or persistent sore throat; muscle pain, weakness, or cramping; nausea; red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin; restlessness; severe or persistent dizziness or drowsiness; severe or persistent dry mouth; shortness of breath or wheezing; sudden, unusual weight gain; swelling of the hands, ankles, or feet; symptoms of low blood sodium levels (eg, confusion, mental or mood changes, seizures, sluggishness); unusual bruising or bleeding; unusual fatigue, thirst, or weakness; vision changes (eg, decreased vision clearness); vomiting.
The insulin side effects including:
Injection site skin reactions, low blood sugar levels, and high blood sugar levels are potential side effects of insulin. However, the most important side effect to be aware of is low blood sugar levels, as this can cause dangerous and even life-threatening problems. Possible signs of low blood sugar levels can include difficulty speaking, blurry vision, and seizures.
So for diabetes patients you had better avoid long-term medicines and dialysis. New effective treatment is necessary for diabetes to control high blood sugar and cure diabetes.
If you have suffered from diabetes since long ago, you must hear of cell therapy which is a new treatment for diabetes. From the clinic data, we can clearly see that Immunotherapy has obvious effects in treating diabetes than any other treatments, many cases in our hospital have proved this point. More and more diabetes patients come to our hospital to perform the Immunotherapy everyday. The good effects of Immunotherapy therapy have been known by more and more diabetes patients known.

So if you are still troubled by diabetes and how to control high blood creatinine level, Immunotherapy therapy can help you solve this problem.

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