
Diagnosis for Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease

How shall we get the diagnosis of Stage 3 Chronic kidney disease? According to American National Kidney Foundation, chronic kidney disease can be divided into five stages which is mainly based on the level of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Renal function, in nephrology, is an indication of the state of the kidney and its role in renal physiology. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) describes the flow rate of filtered fluid through the kidney.
In stage 3 of chronic kidney disease, patients are in moderate reduction in GFR (30–59 mL/min/1.73 m2). Here, it is necessary to show a list which tells the levels of GFR in different stages. Note: the normal range of GFR in normal people is 80 to 120 mL/min/1.73 m2
GFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) 
Serum Creatinine(Scr) 
133-177μmol/L (1.6-2.0mg/dL)  
186-142μmol/L (2.1-5.0mg/dL) 
451-707μmol/L (5.1-7.9mg/dL) 
<15 (or Dialysis) 
451-707μmol/L (5.1-7.9mg/dL)  
From the above, we can get a compare that stage 3 patients are in moderate stage. And in this stage, the damage is not so serious, which means that as long as we choose effective therapeutic method, it can be reversible.
Besides GFR, creatinine - High Creatinine Levels can also be the second evidence which can show whether patients have come into the third stage of chronic kidney disease. In the third stage, the serum creatinine is between 186 to 142μmol/L (2.1-5.0mg/dL). In China, doctors mainly regard creatinine as the reference to judge the condition of chronic kidney disease patients.
In addition to the above mentioned, some symptoms can also show that chronic kidney disease patients have developed into the third stage.
The patient shows symptoms of fatigue and breath shortage. Liquids start accumulating in different parts of the body and this is clearly visible because of the swelling of the hands and legs. The urine colour of the person also shows identifiable changes. It changes to dark orange, red or brown. If a patient is suffering from polycystic kidney disease, they may experience pain at the back of their body, the area where the kidneys are located. Though there are various causes that can result in chronic kidney diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common.

After talking about the diagnosis, it is turn to the treatment. As we mentioned in the premier passage, nearly 95% percent of kidney diseases are caused by immune disorder. So in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, the therapy is five steps based on it, which are Immunotherapyatic diagnosis, immune inhibiting, immune tolerance, immune adjustment, immune protection, and immune clearance. For more information, please consult us or click the other columns.

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