
Different Stages of Diabetic Nephropathy

In daily life, when we find out that a person have Diabetic Nephropathy, he has had obvious proteinuria, edema or serious high blood pressure. They can also suffer from renal function decline. So patients with Diabetic Nephropathy want to know the different stages of it so as to receive specific treatment. When the blood sugar is high, kidney is in the high filtration. After a long process, patients may develop into obvious Nephrotic Syndrome and have renal damage. How to judge the different stages of Nephrotic Syndrome? According to the clinical symptoms and the damage in the kidney, Nephrotic Syndrome can be divided into five stages.
In the first stage, patients with Diabetic Nephropathy are in the high filtration stage. This stage is characterized by increased GFR(glomerular filtration rate), and increased kidney size. Diabetics who are diagnosed with IDDM have had these changes. At the same time, blood flow in the kidney and perfusion and inner pressure in the capillary blood cells are both high.
In the second stage, patients with Diabetic Nephropathy have normal albumin. The blood pressure in the first and second stage is usually normal. Their GFR(glomerular filtration rate)increases. UAE is normal.
In the third stage, patients with Diabetic Nephropathy have a little increased blood pressure. Declining blood pressure can decrease the discharge of trace albumin to a degree. It is obvious in this stage that GBM becomes thicker. In addition, the matrix in mesangial area is also more obvious.
In the fourth stage, patients with Diabetic Nephropathy have large amount of proteinuria, which is unselective proteinuria. Blood pressure increases, and the GBM becomes thicker obviously. Matrix in mesangial area becomes wider as well. In addition, deserted glomeruli increased.
In the fifth stage, patients with Diabetic Nephropathy develop into renal failure. In this stage, patients have continuous proteinuria. The filtration function declines progressively, which leads to renal failure. Serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen increase which are accompanied by high blood pressure, hypoproteinemia and edema. In addition, patients in this stage can also have poor appetite, vomiting, nausea, and so on, all of which are actually symptoms of uremia.

So from the above mentioned, we can get a conclusion that we should find out Diabetic Nephropathy as soon as possible so that effective measures can be taken to prevent it from deteriorating.

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