
How to Lower Creatinine 1.6 mg/ dl

Creatinine, as we mentioned in the premier is a kind of toxins in the body which is caused by metabolism of muscle. Similar with glomerular filtration rate, it can also be a very important reference which can indicate the function of kidney for eventually, creatinine will be discharged from kidney. Generally, if the creatinine is 1.6 mg/ dl, it indicates that chronic kidney disease patients have developed into stage 2. And after patients receive the examination report, they want to know how to lower the increased creatinine 1.6 mg/ dl.
Creatinine is filtrated from renal glomerular filtration, the increase level of which is due to the damage of pores in renal glomerular filtration membrane. So to turn the increased creatinine level in normal, we should on one hand focus on the repairing of the damaged renal intrinsic cells. We generally use Micro-Chinese Medicine. Firstly, it contains nutritious materials, which can improve the insufficiency of blood and oxygen in the kidney, thus creating a favorable environment for the repairing. Then, the active and nutritious materials will also play roles in repairing the damaged intrinsic cells.How to Reduce High Creatinine Level in Blood
On the other hand, according to the theory that most kidney diseases are due to the immune disorder, we also focus on the immunotherapy, which includes Micro-Chinese Medicine we mentioned above. Kidney disease starts from excessive immune response, so we firstly inhibit it with medicine which has little side effect. Secondly, we use medicine which can make human body adapt to the existence of immune complex in the body, in which case, the damage caused by immune response will not happen, thus protecting the healthy ones from being damaged further.
Thirdly, we will use medicine which can make patients with creatinine 1.6 into immune adjustment and immune protection. In this stage, both Chinese medicine and western medicine is used.

After that, patients with creatinine 1.6 come into immune clearance stage, in which, we use immune absorption, plasma exchange, and so on.

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