Yes, it is. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the leading cause of kidney
disease. They are also the leading causes of loss of vision. If your kidney
failure is a result of either condition, your vision may be at risk.
You should manage conditions such as hypertension or diabetes. It is
important not only for the health of your kidneys, but also the health of your
eyes. Follow your doctor’s advice regarding diet and exercise. Take prescribed
medicines and check your glucose levels or blood pressure as recommended by your
doctor. Quit smoking.
Kidney failure itself can worsen your vision. Therefore, aside from
controlling hypertension or diabetes, the radical therapy is to treat kidney
As for kidney failure treatment, we recommend Toxin-Removing Treatment which
is a systematic Chinese medicine therapies including Micro-Chinese Medicine
Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicinal Soup, Mai Kang
Mixture and Steaming Therapy, etc.
When your kidneys are damaged, there will be lots of toxins and wastes
building up in your body. This can pollute your blood. Without a clean blood
environment, you can not get a good result. Because toxins and wastes can cause
further kidney damage and reduce the efficacy of medicines you take.
Toxin-Removing Treatment first purifies your blood through urine, bowel
movement and sweat glands. In a clean blood environment, Chinese medicines can
restore injured kidney tissues and improve renal function gradually through
dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and
coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients.
When your renal function is enhanced, complications including blurried
vision, swelling, proteinuria and nausea can all be relieved. Besides, kidneys,
diabetes and high blood pressure affect each other. Thus, if your kidney
function gets better, your diabetes or high blood pressure will also get well