Over time, CKD patients who take Hemodialysis usually presents abnormal
metabolism of calcium and vitamin D. These disorders of vitamins and electrolyte
virtually exist in renal failure patients’ body before taking dialysis. And they
tend to be aggregative progressively. If no adequate measure adopted, they are
to develop into serious renal bone malnutrition and secondary
hyperparathyroidism, accompanying with painful bone, pathologic fracture,
hardening of soft tissue and blood vessel and stubborn itchy skin etc. The
abnormal metabolism of calcium, phosphorous and vitamin D could exist separately
in patients’ body with chronic renal failure, and also coexist with Osteopathy,
because these changes are related with renal excretion and internal secretion
obstruction. For patients with hemodialysis, long term existence of higher
phosphorus in body results in grievous and constant consequence.
What is the function for phosphorous in the abnormal metabolism?
The main source for phosphorus in human body is from food, the higher for the
biological value in food, the higher for the phosphorus content, like milk,
sausage, bacon, meat etc. the normal phosphorus content edible is 1500-2000mg
every day. The intestinal tract is the only organ to transport the phosphorus to
the body, whereas kidney is the only organ to discharge the phosphorus out of
the body. The absorption and secretion for phosphorus is affected by parathyroid
hormone, calcitonin, vitamin D, blood PH value and the concentration for
plasmacalcium, phosphorus magnesium and other factors.
In the early stage of chronic renal failure (ESRD), the discharge of phosphorus
filtrated through kidney decreases correspondingly, because the normal kidney
units decrease. This leads to soaring serum phosphorous. There is a dynamic
balance between phosphorus and free calcium in the blood. Serum phosphorous can
combine with free calcium and decrease the synthesis for vitamin D, both of
which make free calcium decrease in plasma. Parathyroid hormone suppresses
phosphorus’ resorption through glomerulus, which increases phosphorus discharge
in urine to maintain serum phosphorus concentration balanced. Therefore, the
rise of serum phosphorus stimulates more secretion of parathyroid hormone so
that the serum phosphorus concentration remains normal, which would cause
parathyroid hyperaction in the long run With the aggravation of kidney disease,
renal function further degenerates. The occurrence of parathyroid is caused by
phosphorus retention as renal function fails. The interaction and influence
among high serum phosphorus, low serum calcium and decreasing vitamin D and much
parathyroid hormone lead to Renal Osteopathia finally. And it usually presents
as Ostalgia, pathologic fracture tendon rupture, Calcific joint inflammation,
articular cartilage calcification, pruritus soft tissue degeneration,
hypertension and other clinical symptoms.
Therefore, high level of phosphorous is quite dangerous for patients with
Chronic Kidney Disease. To relieve this status, the most effective approach is
to repair your kidney and restore its function. Micro-Chinese Osmotherapy and
Immunotherapy has been proved very qualified to make this by massive clinical
practices. You can consult our online expert, they provide you professional
explanation about your illness condition.