
Diet Limit of Patients with End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD)

The diet is very important for patients with End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD) during the treatment. when patients suffer from Uremia, besides patients cooperate with doctors, they should take care of the daily diet. These following advice they can adhere to:
1. Low protein
Patients with End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD) should take in low protein. The protein intake accord to the specific disease condition, commonly 0.3-1g/kg of weight. Animal protein is the first choice. The foods contain animal proteins like milk, eggs, fish, bean meat and so on. The limited foods include beans, stone fruite, flour products, sweet potatoes, tomatoes. Because this kind of food contains low quality protein which can increase the burden of kidneys.
2. Adequate calories
Due to the limit of protein, it is easy to cause inadequate calories, so the left protein of the body will be degraded. If that, it will increase the urea. Therefore, patients should take in some foods with low protein and high calories, such as white sugar, honey, fruit drops, and so on.
3. Less sodium intake Can You Cure ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease)
Excessive sodium can induce high blood pressure, edema, ascites, fluid accumulation in the lungs, and even heart failure. Table salt, soy sauce, aginomoto, tomato catchup, barbeque sauce, vinegar and so on contain amounts of sodium. Patients should put little salt during cooking or after cooking. When having dinner outside, patients can eat their foods after diluting salt of foods with boiled water.
4. Less potassium intake
Due to the failure of kidney functions, potassium can not be removed out of body. The excessive potassium can arouse severe heart diseases and even death. So patients with Chronic Kidney Disease must take notice of potassium intake. These foods contains potassium including mushroom, cauliflower, bamboo shoots, carrots, pumpkin, guava, and so on. Besides that, the fruit like loquat, peach, persimmon, orange and so on also contain potassium. Coffee, strong tea, chicken powder, strong broth, soy sauce, table salt contain high potassium content as well.
5. Low phosphorus intake
The main functions of phosphorus is to strengthen bone. For patients with renal failure, due to the abnormal renal functions, excessive phosphorus accumulate in blood, leading to hyperphospheremia. If that, patients bear skin itch, and bone diseases. The food which contain high phosphorus includes diary products, soft drink, cola, viscera foods, bean foods, and so on.
6. Less water intake
Due the less urine volume of patients with End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD) - Can End-stage Kidney Disease Be Reversed or Improved, the taken fluid will accumulate in the body, arousing general edema, high blood pressure, and even pulmonary edema(Swelling and Kidney Disease). as a result, patients with renal failure should control the daily water intake. Commonly, the daily water intake should be 500ml more than the daily urine volume. If patients are with more sweat, the quantity can increase. Patients are supposed to measure daily weight as the reference of water intake.
Diet is very important.The Treatment is more important.E.G.Hot Compress Therapy for Kidney Disease,Herbal Medicine Treats Kidney Disease,Medicated Bath for Kidney Disease,Acupuncture for Kidney Disease

Patients under dialysis can make a diet plan for themselves according to height, weight, the times of dialysis, the daily urine volume, and activity level. In addition, patients with kidney transplant can not go on a tour in three months. These patients should wear loose clothes to avoid the pressure of kidneys. At the same time, they should avoid intense sports.

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