Albumin means a lot in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Read on to know more
about it.
With healthy kidneys, people have nearly no albumin in urine. The quantity is
less than 20mg/L. That is the reason why it is also known as microalbumin.
Meaning of albumin in urine
If you detect that you have albumin in urine, the quantity of which is
between 20mg/L and 200mg/L in microalbumin examination, you has already had
albuminuria. In this case, if you do common urine test, namely urinalysis, you
will find that your protein in urine is negative (-) or negative and positive
(+-). At this stage, given proper and timely treatment, your kidney disease can
be cured. This is because this stage is an early stage and damaged glomeruli can
be repaired thoroughly.
Albumin in urine over 200mg/L means that large quantity of albumin leaks from
your blood into the urine. In urinalysis, protein shows + to +++. Large quantity
of protein in urine can probably cause hypoproteinemia. And continuous leakage
of protein surly can further damage the kidneys. Untreated or poorly treated, it
eventually leads to end-stage renal failure, also known as uremia.
Treatment of albuminuria
Also, albuminuria is a sign of blood vessel problem. It is often regarded as
early indicator of chronic kidney disease and/and blood vessel problem. Leakage
of microalbumin means renal functional cells are damaged out of some reasons.
Function changes with structure, so renal functional cells lose its function
As to treating albumin in urine, there are many medical methods. Steroids are
often used in western medicine. Steroids are effective and have quick response
in short period. However, steroids fail to repair the damaged renal functional
cells, so steroids cannot cure albumin in urine thoroughly. Once you catch a
cold or get infected, you have albumin in urine again. This undoubtedly worsens
this kidney disease, putting you at high risk of chronic renal failure.
Meanwhile, Chinese medicine is also frequently applied. Chinese medicine
doesn’t have quick response as western medicine does, but it can thoroughly
albumin in urine. If you would like to know more about Chinese medicine, please
email to me.