
How to Lower Your Blood Creatinine Levels

Many patients are persistently asking how to lower their blood creatinine levels. So this article will teach some useful methods to lower your blood creatinine levels.
Creatinine is a metabolite of muscle breakdown, and it is produced at a constant rate every day. The kidneys are responsible for filtering creatinine out of the blood. So if your kidneys are damaged, or your kidneys have malfunction, the serum creatinine will rise.
The normal level for blood creatinine is 0.5 to 1.2mg/dl in adults. Muscular adults may have more creatinine in their blood, while children and elders have less creatinine levels.
The most common cause for elevated serum creatinine level is kidney impairment or other diseases that lead to the kidney impairment. These possible diseases include Diabetes, high blood pressure, shock, congestive heart failure, etc.
Besides the diseases mentioned above, creatinine levels can elevate by other reasons. For example, the uses of some certain medications could lead to high creatinine levels. Another case is after you have an ingestion of large amounts of meat or some creatinine supplements, your creatinine would also increase. Some strenuous exercises can also improve your creatinine levels.
So we can get the answer for the question of how to lower creatinine level in the blood. Simply speaking, patients should accept necessary inspections so as to make certain the underlying reasons for high creatinine level. Treatments of these underlying reasons are helpful for patients to lower their creatinine levels.
Except for the underlying reasons, dietary changes especially reducing your protein intake and increasing your fluid intake are two easy ways to lower creatinine.

If high creatinine level is proved to be induced by the kidney impairment, then treatment of the harmed kidneys as well as restoration of the renal function are the key problem. Here, Immunotherapy proposed by our hospital has marvelous therapeutic effect in treating the damaged kidneys. Consult for more to learn please.

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