
Clinical Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease

Ⅰ.Formerly according to the degree of renal lesion, Chronic Renal Failure is divided into the following stages:
1. Compensatory stage of Renal Insufficiency: The damaged nephrons are not more than 50% (the creatinine clearance rate is 50-80ml/min). There are stored renal function compensation without increasing metabolin like urea nitrogen. Creatinine maintains the normal level(High Creatinine Levels). There are no other symptoms except for nocturnal enuresis.(Kidney Disease Symptoms and Treatment)
2. Decompensated stage of Renal insufficiency: damaged nephons are above 50%. Creatinine clearance rate is 50-20ml/min. Creatinine is up to 133-442μmol/L(2~5mg/dl. Urea nitrogen is above 7.1mmol/L(20mg/dl).Patients may have the symptoms like fatigue, poor appetite, light anemia and so on.
3. Renal failure stage: creatinine is up to 442~707μmol/L(5~8mg/dl. The creatinine clearance rate reduces to 20~10ml/min. Urea nitrogen increases to 179~286mmol/L(50~80mg/dl). Patients may have clinical symptoms such as anemia, acid-base balance of water and electrolyte disorders and so on.
4. Uremia stage: creatinine is above 707μmol/L(8mg/dl). The creatinine clearance rate is below 10ml/min. Urea nitrogen is above 286mmol/L(80mg/dl. Patients have obvious symptoms like acidosis, anemia, and serious discomfort of all Immunotherapys.
Ⅱ.In recent years, according to international recognized Handbook K/DOQI, on the basis of GFR, Chronic Kidney Disease is divided into five stages, and the second to the fifth stages belong to chronic renal failure.
1st stage: renal lesion, GFR is normal or rises [≥90ml/(min•1.73㎡)]。
2nd stage: renal lesion, GFR is lightly below [60~90ml/(min•1.73㎡)]。
3rd stage: GFR reduces moderately to [30~59ml/(min•1.73㎡)]。
4th stage: GFR reduces heavily to [15~29ml/(min•1.73㎡)]。
5th stage: renal failure, [GFR<15ml/(min•1.73㎡)]。

Urea nitrogen is greatly affected by many factors like protein intake, fever and gastrointestinal hemorrhage. So it can be the unique indicator of renal lesion. Although Creatinine is steady, but it is lower among the seniors and patients with amyotrophy. The creatinine clearance rate can be regarded as the indicator of renal insufficiency stages, which is in favor to patients to deal with it.

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