
The Risk Factors of CKD Occurrence and Development for Children

For Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) children, they have some risk factors, especially those children who have CKD family history.
A) The risk factors of Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) morbidity
(1) there are polycystic kidney or other hereditary kidney disease in family history;(2) children with light weight when being born;(3) acute renal failure patients or people have Hypoxemia during perinatal period;(4) dysplasia and hypoplasia;(5) urinary disease in surgery, especially obstructive urinary tract disease;(6) regurgitation accompanied by repeated urinary infection and renal epulosis;(7) acute nephritis or nephrotic syndrome history (8) HUS history (9) allergic purpura history (10) diabetes (11) Immunotherapyatic lupus erythematosus (12) hypertension or new-born baby with renal artery or vein thrombus.
B) the risk factors promoting the development of Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD)
(1) Age: research has proven that the older the patients are, the higher morbidity is.
(2) The development of primary disease: the symptoms mainly include high urine protein(Proteinuria and Kidney Disease), hypertension(High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease), lipid disorder, hypercoagulability etc.
a) Proteinuria not only is the indicator of renal damage but also can cause the constant development of renal damage. Some research reports show that the higher urine protein is, the higher morbidity of kidney failure is.
b) It is universally recognized that hypertension is the most important risk factor in advancing the development of CKD. In the case of Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD), the decline of GFR is closely related with blood pressure, especially SBP.
c) Lipid disorder is also an important risk factor in development of Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD). Hyperlipemia can stimulate the Mesangium cell hyperplasia to change the haemodynamics, which advances the renal damage.

(3) To what extent the primary disease is treated. It is reported that if Iga nephropathy is treated earlier, the renal function can be sustained better than that the later one.

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