
What Kind of Patients with CKD Should Take Renal Puncture Test?

What Kind of Patients Need to Take Renal Puncture Test?
To ascertain diagnosis, instruct treatment or judge the prognosis, renal puncture can be conducted if patients have no contraindication for that.
1. Primary kidney disease
First, renal puncture can be operated as early as possible when acute Nephritic Syndrome, severe damage of renal function, acute progressive Nephritis happen; if acute Nephritis did not get improved after taking treatment for 2-3months.renal puncture operation must be conducted.
Second, for primary Renal Syndrome, it can be treated with hormone for 8 weeks at first, and if no efficacy, renal puncture can be arranged; or taking puncture at first, patients get different treatment as per specific pathological agent.
Third, renal puncture can be taken under such circumstance as asymptomatic hematuria, clinical diagnosis can not ascertain variant erythrocyte hematuria(Hematuria and Kidney Disease), asymptomatic proteinuria(Proteinuria and Kidney Disease), unclear pathological agent for constant proteinuria more than 1g/d。
2. Secondary or hereditary Nephropathy
It can not be diagnosed through clinical symptoms or having been diagnosed, but pathological data is helpful to instruct treatment and judge prognosis, which can conduct renal puncture check.
3. Acute Renal Failure
Making renal puncture is necessary when clinical symptoms and lab data can not ascertain pathological agent
4. Kidney transplant
First, there is no clear reason for renal function decrease.
Second, rejection is severe and it is not sure whether kidney transplanted should be cut or not.

Third, it is doubted that original disease happens in kidney transplanted.

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