
I Have a Friend. She Has 6 of Creatinine what Should Be Your Advice

High creatinine level in blood 6 could be controlled well by Stem Cells Transplant. Before you receive dialysis, you can try this therapy to avoid dialysis.
Creatinine level 6 in blood also means that you are at the beginning of stage 5 kidney disease (In stage 5, the creatinine level is >442 (>5.0)). It is better to receive treatment to repair your damaged kidney. The treatment for repairing kidneys is stem cells transplant. High Creatinine Level And Kidney Failure
With the medical development, a brand new therapy for Kidney Disease has been put forward, that is Stem Cell therapy.
Stem cells are biological cells found in all multicellular organisms, that can divide (through mitosis) and differentiate into diverse specialized cell types and can self-renew to produce more stem cells.How to Reduce High Creatinine Level in Blood
Stem cell treatments are a type of intervention strategy that introduces new cells into damaged tissue in order to treat disease or injury.What Creatinine Level Gets Me Disability How to Make My High Creatinine Go Down

Creatinine is one of the wastes that need to be excreted through urine from human body, which is the function of kidneys. If creatinine is abnormally high in blood, it tells us kidneys function is damaged. If we want to reduce high creatinine level 6 in blood, we can use Stem Cells Transplant to repair damaged renal function cells and regenerate new renal function cells, renal function could be improved after kidney function is repaired. Not likely kidney transplant, stem cells transplant doesn’t need patients to find proper kidney donators, take anti-rejection medicines for whole life. Beside micro-chinese medicine is often combined with stem cells transplant. With the help of combination of micro-chinese medicine and stem cells transplant, there are more normal kidney units. And then kidney function will be improved so as to remove toxin in body and then decrease the high creatinine level. High creatinine level in blood 6 will be lowered.

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