
I got exactly what nephropathy

Health counseling description:
Late April, found that leg swollen three days immediately after the April 23 inspection, routine urine examination no problem, hematuria together seized, and the results are as follows: blood β2-microglobulin 2.63, urine β2-microglobulin 0.25, urinary albumin 13.13. The doctor said I tubular, open nephritis tablets, dipyridamole, Jinshuibao, and vitamin e. May 16 review, urine avail issues, hematuria together review the results of: blood β2 microglobulin 3.71, urine β2-microglobulin 0.19, urinary albumin 11, my disease is renal tubular? Strict condition is not serious? Why medication, blood β2 microglobulin increased instead? This is nearly 20 days of treatment effect? And some doctors say, no problem as long as the routine urine examination, to explain the kidney is not a big problem, this argument makes sense? Panfu! Thank you!
Kidney disease experts answer:
Hello: Blood β2-microglobulin elevated and normal urine β2 microglobulin, mainly due to the decline in glomerular filtration function is common in acute, chronic nephritis, renal failure, and renal tubular nothing , it is recommended to continue medication. The doctors say there is some truth.

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