
How to Stabilize the Blood Pressure for the Patient with Chronic Nephritis

The blood pressure of the patients with Chronic Nephritis is unstable, which can arouse various complications easily. How to stabilize the blood pressure for Chronic Nephritis patient? When the Chronic Nephritis occurs, the whole body of the patient is under the compensatory hemodynamic state which leads to the renal ischemia and anoxia. There is no doubt that when the blood pressure of the whole body rises, the condition of the illness will aggravate. Consequently, the glomerulus suffers progressive damages, and the renal function decreases progressively.
For patients suffering from the Chronic Nephritis, they must control the high blood pressure(High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease) actively and effectively, so as to create a good internal environment for the restoration of damaged intrinsic renal cells, to prevent the renal function from worsening into renal failure or even Uremia.
How to stabilize the blood pressure of Chronic Nephritis patients? Some scholars considered that Calcium Antagonist has a certain influence on the renal function, but that needs a long-term observation. The β-receptor antagonist (β-RB) such as the Metoprolol and Atenolol, can achieve a good curative effect for the rennin-dependent hypertension. The β-RB is capable of decreasing the renin function, although it can drop the cardiac output (CO), there is no influence on the renal blood flow (RBF) and GFR, and so it also can treat the renal parenchymal hypertension. The patients should pay more attention that some β-BRB such as Atenolol and Hydroxyl are low fat-soluble and excreted from the kidneys, so the patients with Renal Failure should regulate the dosage and prolong the intervals of taking medicine.
Besides, the medicine that can enlarge the vessels such as the Hydralazine also has the function to decrease the blood pressure, and combined with the β-RB, these medicine can decrease the side effects caused by stimulating the renin and angiotensin, thus, the curative effects are improved. The usage of the Hydralazine is 200mg per day, but the patient should be watched out, for this medicine has the probability to cause the Lupus Erythematosus Syndrome.
For patients whose edema is apparent and renal function is in the good shape, the thiazide diuretic needs to be added, for patients whose renal function is bad (thecreatinine is more than 200μmol/L), the thiazide medicines do not achieve the good curative effects or no effects, while the meduallary loop diuretic needs to be used. The patients should notice the electrolyte disordered when they apply the diuretic, and the application of the diuretic has the tendency to aggravate the hyperlipemia and hypercoagulability.

Of course, the therapy mentioned above only can take temporary solution, so the patient should take the permanent solution for the renal disease, or the control of the high blood pressure is just the temporary and it is extremely easy to recur.

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