
Seruim Creatinine - Kidney Disease

Treatment for High Serum Creatinine Levels should be Cause-oriented
Beside diet factor, kidney disease, such as acute or chronic glomerulonephroritis also cause high serum creatine (SC) level. After being attacked by diseases, the damaged renal intrinsic cells will have phenotypic transition, producing pathological changes. Renal fibroblasts are stimulated into myofibroblasts which will attack well-functioning tissues and trigger similar pathological changes. Then Lesions spread from one cell to another, one part to the whole. This expanding and stimulating process will aggravate the disease into a stage of organ damage. Continual damages affect renal function of removing wastes. Toxic substance like creacine accumulates in the body, duly results in rising SC, which accompanise high level of usea nitrogen (USN) and a corresponding reduce of renal filtration. Meanwhile, the patients may have other symptoms, such as hypertension, severe edema, etc.
What Does High Creatinine Mean?
High SC means renal filtration function decline. Toxin accumulated in the body but can not be removed. The development of disease can be classified into four stages in respects of SC level: compensatory stage of renal insufficiency, decompensation period renal insufficiency, renal failure stage of renal insufficiency, uremia stage of renal insufficiency. Compensatory stage of renal insufficiency is a period of inflammation response and intrinsic cells has not transited in phenotypic yet. Decompensation period is a transition stage of renal failure, a period of fibrosis formation. In this period, phenotypic transition of intrinsic cells accelerates that of renal interstitial fibroblast. Meanwhile synthetic extracellular matrix increases, but degradation of matrix decreases, which will progress to irreversible stage of cicatricial kidney if unable to control in time.
Direct Use of SC-lowering Medications, Right or Wrong?
As such a significant consequence would high SC result in, what is a better choice of a treatment? Most patients would take large amount of medications when they have high SC level, then SC level falls back. They are delight for the result. Some of them may ask why SC level increases when stop taking medications. If the decrease of SC level means recovery, why is there no relief of hypertension, anemia, etc.?
This comes to the point of what we are talking about today—SC-lowering medications. Many medications can reduce SC straightly, such as Creatine Top and Creatine. They remove toxin quickly via intestinal tracts or by utilizing drugs’ duel function of sorption and repair. However it is a kind of artificial detoxication but not working for renal repair. The patient will loss existing renal function gradually in a long term and progress to uremia due to his/her sustained high SC level.
What is the most effective treatment?
The development of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is actually a gradual process of renal fibrosis. Clinically, patient especially for those in early stage of uremia should depend not simply on western medicine but on a combination therapy of symptomatic western treatment and cause-oriented Chinese medicine. Only through that method could the extension of renal fibrosis be stopped.

Major functions of Micro-Chinese medications include removing immune complex and lesions that contribute to damages in glomerular basement membrane and repairing the damaged membrane. Their repair changes renal structure and expands glomeruilar filtration area. SC condition therefore will be improved. It needs a time for a cure. At this time, the patient should notice flue prevention, diet and temper control, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc and avoid being tired to protect renal function carefully. As long as you pay attention to those, SC will certainly decrease.

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