Due to internal disorder and the decline in immunity, CKD patients are liable
to be affected internally and externally to undertake pathological change in
lungs, including uremia lung, pneumonedema and pleural effusion.
a) Uremia lung. It is also called uremia pneumonedema or uremia pneumonia.
Its symptoms are mild and are only those of uremia in the early stage. As the
disease develops, patients would have mild or moderate cough with little viscous
sputum and dyspnea. When it develops into mesenchyme fibrosis, dyspnea and
cyanosis aggravate. Another symptom is moderate or mild hemoptysis and one has
to make a distinction between cardiogenic pulmonary edema, lung infection,
goodpasturessyndrome and uremia lung.
b) Uremia fibrous pleura disease. The morbidity of the complication is
15%-20%. The symptoms include pleural friction rub, chest pain or chest
discomfort, dyspnea or fever. The pleural friction rub can last 1 day to 15,
probably accompanied by pleural effusion. Blood urea nitrogen has nothing to do
with pleural effusion.
c) Lung calcification. CKD often causes calcification of soft tissues,
especially lungs. The clinical symptoms include chronic dyspnea, acute or
sub-acute respiratory failure with the Rabat result normal. No more calcium
supplement, cutting parathyroid gland, eating low phosphorous food, using
low-calcium disalysate, or increase in dialysis time—all these methods can
reverse the calcification.
d) Uremia pulmonary edema is one of the common acute complications. In this
case CKD patients have severe dyspnea, suffocating feeling, sweating, cough,
coughing up phlegm with pink frothy sputum and wheezing sound in lungs.
Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy, a scientific therapy for CKD treatment,
can block the renal fibrosis fundamentally.
The most scientific way to treat CKD is to fundamentally block the renal
fibrosis, restore the damaged intrinsic renal cells and rebuild the renal
structure to restore the renal function again.