
Healthy diet for diabetic patients with CKD

Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) should pay attention to the food they eat, and diabetic patients with CKD should have a stricter limit of their diet. Carbohydrates are the main focus when it comes to the diabetic diet. Carbohydrates, which are broken down to sugar when eaten, are found in many different types of foods such as starches, fruits, milk products, puddings, candies, cakes and other sweets. It is important to eat the same amount of carbohydrate-containing foods at each meal. An eating routine is also an important part of the diabetic diet. This means no skipping meals and eating around the same time every day. Eating the same amount of carbohydrates at each meal and having an eating routine are very helpful in keeping blood sugars under control. The patients need a low protein diet, and there is a sample diet with low protein below. You can arrange your diet referring to it.
BREAKFAST                                     PROTEIN
1/2 cup orange juice (4 ounces)               0.5 grams
English muffin or two slices toast            4 grams
1 tablespoon margarine
Coffee or tea with sugar substitute
1 tablespoon powdered non-dairy creamer
1/4 cantaloupe with 1/2 cup sorbet              1.0 gram
Two slices bread 4 grams
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
2 ounces cooked chicken thigh (no bone, no leg)    14 grams
Lettuce and tomato for the sandwich
1/2 cup lite fruit cocktail 0.5 grams
iced tea, lemon, sugar substitute
1 small apple 0.5 grams
2 ounces cooked steak (without bone)               14 grams
1 medium baked potato 4 grams
1 tablespoon margarine
1/2 cup green beans or asparagus                    1 gram
Mixed green salad with vinegar or lemon             1 gram
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 small roll or 1 slice bread                        2 grams
1 tablespoon margarine
1/2 cup sliced mango                                 0.5 grams
Diet ginger ale
1/2 cup sorbet and 4 strawberries                    1 gram
10 vanilla wafers                                    2grams
TOTAL                                                50grams

A healthy diet will be easy to follow after learning to count carbohydrates and learning which foods should be avoided. Following a healthy diet helps control blood sugar, potassium, sodium and phosphorus levels. Keeping these things under control is i

What You Should Know About Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD)

Diagnosis Standard of Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD): any one following condition is diagnosed as CKD
1. Kidney lesion( abnormal structure or functions) for ≥3 months. There are one or a few following symptoms, no matter GFR( Glomerular Filtration Rate) falls or not: A. abnormal blood or urine; B. abnormal imaging results; C. abnormal renal biopsy.
2. GFR<60ml/min·1.73㎡ for more than 3months, whether there are the above manifestations.
The defining time of CKD is 3 months. In the first condition, because only when the kidney damage is up to certain degree, GFR begins to decrease. So it is possible that even though kidneys are damaged, GFR is normal. GFR isn’t the correct detection of kidney lesion. In the second condition, the reason why taking GFR<60ml/min·1.73㎡ as the independent standard of CKD is that when GFR is below 60ml/min, there are various complications and the prognosis is often bad.
On the basis of clinical manifestations, when Ccr(Creatinine Clearance Rate)≥60ml/min, it belongs to Chronic Kidney Disease; 15 ml/min≤Ccr≤59 ml/min, it belongs to Chronic Renal Failure or Chronic Kidney Failure; Ccr<15 ml/min, it belongs to Uremia. These classification is much clearer to make patients know their disease condition clearly.The morbidity of CKD is very high. CKD is becoming another main killer of human being.
As for the treatment of CKD, there are three treatment goals as following:
1. Controlling primary diseases.
2. Delaying worsening process of CKD
a) Control blood pressure well and blood sugar;
b) Decrease urine protein;
c) Decrease blood fat;
3. Preventing complications
Cardiovascular Disease(CVD)including controlling blood pressure andblood sugar, especially diabetes, decreasing urine protein and blood fat, no smoking, adequate dialysis, treating infection and so on. Besides the above, bettering anemia and renal bone disease as well as acid poisoning is also part of treatment of CKD.

About Chronic Kidney Disease, if you need more other details, you can consult our online experts or send e-mail to me about your problems. We will try our best to help you, whether you receive our treatment or not!

Diet for Patients with Nephritis

Regular daily diet plays a very important role in the overall health and wellbeing, especially for the patients. Patients with Nephritis should take proper diet for their recovery because some foods can help patients with Nephritis and a few foods can aggravate the condition. Patients need to take effective treatment together with the proper diet for the fast recovery. There are some advices for patients with Nephritis on dietary.
1. Drink fresh coconut water on a regular basis, preferably every day.
2. Consume a high amount of avocadoes, as it helps the problem to a great extent. You can choose to have avocado soup, salad or guacamole, based on your tastes and preferences.
3. Have plenty of fresh vegetable juice, which is completely devoid of any sugar, artificial sweeteners or preservatives. Carrot juice, to which a teaspoon of honey has been added, is especially beneficial.
4. Follow an all fruit diet for around 4 to days and consume high amounts of apples, oranges, pears, grapes, peaches, bananas and pineapples.
5. Increase your intake of water and make sure that you consume no less than 8 to 10 glasses a day, as it flushes the toxins out of your body.
6. Avoid foods that contain high amounts of oxalic acid, which is found in spinach, rhubarb, chocolate or other products made from cocoa.
7. Cut down on your intake of salt, which means that you need to stay away from processed meat, junk food and instant foods.
8. Eliminate fried food from your diet completely for a while, at least till you recover from this condition.

It is very important for patients with Nephritis to take proper diet for the better recovery. Patients must know what they can eat and what they can’t eat. Pay more attention to your diet and your lifestyle, you can return to be healthy quickly.


How to Prevent Chronic Nephritis?

Chronic Nephritis is a kind of glomerular disease, but most patients are not clear about the causes of the disease. It has no explicit relation with infections of streptococcus.
For patients with Niphritis, statistics show that 15%~20% of them turn to Chronic Nephritis from Acute Glomerular Nephritis. However, Acute Glomerular Nephritis is not easy to be diagnosed. Actually the percentage should be a little higher. In addition, most Chronic Nephritis patients do not have a history of acute nephritis. At present, most scholars think that it has no definite relation between Chronic Nephritis and Acute Nephritis. Maybe Chronic Nephritis is caused by infections of bacteria, virus or protozoa, which through immune mechanism, inflammatory mediators and non-immune mechanism.
The root way to prevent Chronic Nephritis is improving the resistance, reducing to get infections and preventing it in allusion to the pathogeny.
a. Avoid overwork, high pressure in spirit.
It is possible to aggravate Chronic Nephritis if you often overwork, burn the midnight oil and have high pressure of studing. It is better for us to keep a regular life. We should keep balance between work and rest, and take part in activities and do exercises frequently, but avoid overwork. Eat reasonable nutrition, invigorate health effectively and build up resistance. Pay attention to personal hygiene and clean sanitation, form a good hygiene habit, keep a happy mood and strengthen conscious of health care.
b. Prevent infections of bacteria and virus.
Bacteria and virus infections are the most common causes of Acute Nephritis. In particular, the upper respiratory tract infection, asymptomatic bacteriuria, flu, pharyngitis, tracheal bronchitis and so on, can aggravate Chronic Nephritis. Prevent from infecting indi actively, prevent and treat Acute Nephritis actively, reduce body infections, and prevent from cold, purulent amygdalitis and skin purulent infection and so on.
Once people are infected the above disease or get Acute Nephritis and Primary Glomerular Disease, they should be treated in time. After maintaining steady for 3 to 6 months, the patients with Acute Nephritis and chronic indi infection should eradicate the disease by surgeries, which is to prevent these kinds of disease from turning into Chronic Nephritis.
c. Pay attention to your diet: Nephritis patients should avoid high protein food, pay attention to food safety and eat more fresh fruits and green food. The principle is that numerous in variety, reasonable in collection and insipid in dietary.
d. Pay attention to self monitor. If you feel uncomfortable, such as nocturnal enuresis increasing, anorexia, waist ache and abnormal urination in the morning, all these indicate that you maybe get kidney disease. You should go to hospital to examine to diagnose in time and treat the disease as soon as possible, which is important to prevent the disease.

For detailed information, you can consult our online experts or email to me. We will provide you with professional analysis and make proper treatment suggestion for you.

Diet for Patients with Stage 3 CKD

Patients with stage 3 CKD need take effective treatment and also a healthy diet. A healthy diet for Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) Stage 3 may recommend:
Including a variety of grains, fruits and vegetables, but whole grains and some fruits and vegetables may be limited if blood tests show phosphorus or potassium levels are above normal.
A diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in total fats, especially if cholesterol is high or if you have diabetes or heart disease.
Limiting intake of refined and processed foods high in sodium and prepare foods with less salt or high sodium ingredients.
Aiming for a healthy weight by consuming adequate calories and including physical activity each day.
Keeping protein intake within the DRI level recommended for healthy people with attention to high quality protein.
Consuming the DRI for the water soluble vitamin B complex and C.
Vitamin D and iron may be tailored to individual requirements.
Limiting phosphorus if blood levels of phosphorus or PTH are above normal.
Limiting calcium if blood levels are above normal.
Potassium is usually not restricted unless blood levels are above normal.

Many people who develop chronic kidney disease have diabetes or high blood pressure. By keeping their glucose level under control and maintaining a healthy blood pressure, this can help them preserve their kidney function. For both of these conditions, a doctor will likely prescribe a blood pressure medicine. Studies have shown that ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors and ARBs (angiotensin receptor blockers) help slow the progression of kidney disease even in people with diabetes who do not have high blood pressure.Patients should ask their doctors about all of their medicines and take them exactly as prescribed.

Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease is caused by many reasons with damage to kidneys ≥3months, with or without decreased Glomerular Filtration Rate(GFR). The damage to kidneys means the abnormal renal structure or renal functions, and its main symptoms include:1.abnormal pathology. 2. detections of renal damage like abnormal blood urine or abnormal renal image. Or the lasting time of GFR<60ml/min.1.73 m2 is more than 3months with or without renal damage. For old people, babies, vegetarian, people with unilateral kidney, doctors should diagnose Chronic Renal Insufficiency with GFR 60-90 ml/min∙1.73m2 combining with other factors.
Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease
Stage 1: Renal Damage. GFR is normal or increase(GFR≥90 ml/min∙1.73m2). in this stage, patients should pay much attention to the diagnosis and treatment to delay the worsening process.
Stage 2: Renal Damage. GFR decreases lightly(GFR 60-89 ml/min∙1.73m2). at this period, due to the tremendous compensatory of kidneys, even though there are some damages of kidneys, the functions like toxin and metabolic waste expelling, regulation of water and electrolytes are normal. Therefore, in this stage, there are not still obvious symptoms, and patients should estimate the worsening process and the worsening speed.
Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease: Moderate decrease of GFR, namely Renal Insufficiency. GFR 30-59 ml/min∙1.73m2. There are much damage to glomeruli. Creatinine and urine nitrogen increase and are higher than the normal level. In this stage, the main symptoms include anemia, fatigue, lighter weight, inattention and so on. But these symptoms are not serious. If there are infection, bleeding and other conditions, it is easy to have obvious symptoms.
Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) Stage 4: Renal Failure. Renal functions have been damaged seriously. at the moment, GFR decrease sharply15-29 ml/min∙1.73m2. kidneys can’t maintain the stability of inner environment. In this stage, patients are easy to feel severe fatigue, tiredness, inattention, anemia, more enuresis nocturna, increased serum creatinine and urea nitrogen, as well as acid poisoning.
Stage 5: GFR decreases to below 15 ml/min∙1.73m2. this stage is also called Uremia or end stage of Renal Insufficiency. In this stage, the damaged gloleruli occupy over 95%. More severe symptoms occur, such as serious vomiting, nausea, oliguria, swelling, vicious Hypertension, severe anemia, skin itch, ammoniacal odour in the mouth, and so on.

Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) has become the third killer of human being, following Heart Disease and Hypertension. Because CKD is an underlying disease, it is not easy to de found in the early stage. Patients don’t find CKD until they feel obvious symptoms. Therefore, people should take care of their daily diet and take medical tests in fixed time.

Can Women Patients with CKD Stage 3 be of Pregnance?

For women patients with Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) stage 3, whether they can be of pregnance is the most concerning issue. Whether they can conceive or not depends on their specific disease condition. First what they should do is to take medical test. If the disease relapses usually and the pregnance time is not long, they are suggested to have an induced abortion. If the disease is controlled well and doesn’t relapse in half year, women patients with CKD stage 3 can conceive, but they should take tests in fixed time. once there are symptoms, they should get timely treatment.
In general condition, after being treated well, Chronic Kidney Disease doesn’t influence the sexual life of patients, but patients should avoid excessive tiredness. For patients with CKD stage 3, the sexual desire reduces, especially for females.
Besides that, women patients also with Hypertension should not conceive. More than 75% patients suffer from severe Hypertension of Pregnancy. The rate of premature delivery and stillbirth is very high. When pregnant women suffer from Hypertension, it is easy for them to bear toxemia of pregnance and eclampsia. At that moment, the blood pressure increases sharply and patients stand headache, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, hyperspasmia and so on. Aclampsia threatens the life of pregnant women and baby. Therefore, in this condition, patients have to end pregnance to reduce the burden of heart and kidneys.
Thus it can be seen that for women patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, making pregnance is a tough thing. But that doesn’t mean they can’t. For patients with CKD, taking timely treatment is the premise of pregnance.

If you want the more details about this aspect, you can consult our online experts or send e-mail to me, there are specialized staff to serve you!

Suggestions to People with Chronic Kidney Disease

As Chronic Kidney Disease is not easy to be found in the early stage, so some people usually are diagnosed with early kidney failure once there are some obvious symptoms. With damaged kidneys, do you know what you should attach importance to? If no, please have a look about the following several suggests which may go a long way towards helping control your disease.
Suggestion one: People with Chronic Kidney Disease obviously have large amount of proteinuria(Proteinuria and Kidney Disease). Our body needs protein every day for growth, building muscles and repairing tissues. After our body uses the protein ingested by us in the diet, urea which is a waste product will be made. For people with Chronic Kidney Disease, their kidneys may not be able to get rid of these waste products smoothly. Therefore, people with Chronic Kidney Disease may need to reduce the amount of protein they ingest to avoid the buildup of urea in their body.
Suggestion two: As kidneys are damaged, people suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease should limit the intake of phosphorus as well. Normally, extra phosphorus is removed by our kidneys and since kidneys lose the excretion ability, then the level of phosphorus in our blood will become high. High level of phosphorus will cause us to lose calcium from our bones and make them break easily. Therefore, to strengthen their body, people with Chronic Kidney Disease should avoid ingesting too much phosphorus.
Suggestion three: Apart from phosphorus and protein, intake of sodium also should be limited effectively. This is because retention of excessive sodium in our body not only causes swelling, but also gives rise to high blood pressure. Therefore, to relieve these symptoms, limiting the intake of sodium is very necessary for people with Chronic Kidney Disease.
Suggestion four: Because people with Chronic Kidney Disease get fewer calories from protein, they will need to get more calories from other foods. Thereby, people with Chronic Kidney Disease need to eat some sugar and vegetables to get the right amount of calories. Moreover, if you are overweight or diabetic, then you need to talk with your doctors and let them help you find the best way for you to get the right amount of calories, or you can consult our consultant online, we will offer you another effective way based on you physical condition and illness condition.

Because of the different severity of Chronic Kidney Disease, we may offer you the different suggestions. If you want to know the specific suggestions which are suitable for you, then you can leave message or consult our consultant online.


CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) and Its Clinical Stages

The definition of CKD( chronic kidney disease) is that is a person has more than 3 months symptoms such as proteinuria, hematuria, with or without decreased GFR( glomerualr filtration function), he will be diagnosed with CKD( chronic kidney disease).From this definition, we can find out that besides acute renal nephritis and acute urinary tract infection, most kidney diseases can be called CKD( chronic kidney disease). In China, doctors all follow the following criteria to get a conclusion how serious the patient’s condition is.
The first stage of CKD( chronic kidney disease) is compensation stage of renal insufficiency. In this stage, the damdaged renal units are not more than 50%. Serum creatinineis still in normal range for kidney has a strong ability of compensation. The serum creatinine is 50~80ml/min. Besides increased enuresis nocturna, there is no other clinical symptoms.
The second stage of CKD( chronic kidney disease) is discompensation stage of renal insufficiency. The damdaged renal units rose to more than 50%. The serum creatinine is 50~20ml/min. Serum creatinine is 133~442μmol/L. BUN(blood urea nitrogen) rose to more than 7.1mm01/L. Patients in this stage can feel weakness, and a little anemia, and so on.
The third stage of CKD( chronic kidney disease) is renal failure stage. In this stage, serum creatinine increased to 442~707μmol/L and the serum creatinine decreased to 20~10ml/min. BUN(blood urea nitrogen) rose to more than 179~286mmol/L. Patients with CKD( chronic kidney disease)have anemia, acid base disturbance, electrolyte disturbance and so on.
The end stage of CKD( chronic kidney disease) is uremia. In this stage, the serum creatinine is more than 707μmol/L. The creatinine clearance decreased to below 10ml/min. BUN(blood urea nitrogen)is more than 286mmol/L. patients have obvious acidosis, anemia and serious syImmunotherapyatic symptoms.

In China, most people do not have physical examination every year. So, when they can feel the symptoms such as pain in the back, protein in urine, red blood cells in urine, the damage has been serious. What’s worse, some may even be diagnosed with uremia and receive dialysis directly for kidney has strong ability of compensation, which is scary and should have been attached importance to. Late treatment also has difficult in treating CKD( chronic kidney disease) well and the effect may be not so satisfactory. So to assure the effect, people should have physical examination every year because the earlier, the better.

Concept of Chronic Kidney Disease and Phases of Chronic Renal Insufficiency

According to the defining method suggested by K/DOQI working team of American National Kidney Disease(NKF): Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) means that there is renal injury confirmed by renal biopsy or detective injury indicator, or means that the duration time is no less than 3 months on the level of GFR is less than 60ml per minute in 1.73m². The renal injury indicators include proteinuria, inspection abnormality in urinal test strip or urinary sediment or in kidney imageology. GFR could be calculated according to the formula of body surface area basing on serum creatinine and other variables such as age, gender, race, etc.
The stages of Chronic Renal Insufficiency(CRI) in our country include the following four phases, which is determined generally according to the standard for evaluation established in a symposium on primary glomerulus disease classification, treatment and assessment of its therapeutic effect, which is held in Taiping City, Anhui province in June, 1992 by Kidney Disease Group of Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine Editorial Committee:
Phase 1: Compensatory Stage of Chronic Renal Function(CRF)Insufficiency. When the degree of damage to the nephron is no more than the normal 50%( GFR50~80ml/min), there can’t go so far as to the appearance of metabolities retentions such as Blood Urea Nitrogen(BUN) and so on as a result of the compensation of renal function. Meanwhile, Serum Creatinine(Scr) could maintain the normal level(133~177ummol/l,1.5~2.0mg/dl). Generally there are no symptoms in clinical in this phase.
Phase 2: Decompensatory Stage of CRF Insufficiency: When the remaining renal function is less than the normal 50%(GFR20~50ml/min) and Scr reaches the level of 177~442umol/l(2~5mg/dl), and also, the rise of BUN exceeds 7.1mmol/l,(20mg/dl), such phase can see the general symptoms such as hypodynamia, mild anemia and poor appetite, etc.
Phase 3: Stage of Renal Failure: Scr reaches up to 442~707ummol/l(5~8mg/dl), Creatinine Clearance Rate(Ccr) decreases into 10~20ml/min, BUN rises up to 17.9~28.6mmol(50~80mg/dl). Such phase can see the severe anemia, metabolic acidosis, metabolic disorder on Calcium and Phosphorus, metabolic disorder on water and electrolyte, etc.
Phase 4: Stage of Uremia. Scr reaches over 707ummol/l(8mg/dl), Ccr decreases below 10ml/min. NUN increases over 28.6mmol/l(80mg/dl). Such phase can see the obvious symptom on acidosis as well as the severe symptoms on all syImmunotherapys of the body.
NKF divides the CKD into five phases according to the GFR:
CKD Phase 1: Impair on kidney, and GRF is normal or increasing and lies less than 90(ml/min/1.73m²)(Ellipsis in the below);
CKD Phase 2: Impair on kidney, GRF decreases slightly and lies between between 60~80;
CKD Phase 3: GFR decreases moderately and lies between 30~59;
CKD Phase 4: GFR decreases moderately and lies between 15~29;

CKD Phase 5: Renal Failure, GFR decreases below 15 or to be dialyzed.

What Should Patients Notice About Their Diet During Uremia

What should patients notice about their diet during uremia?
1. Patients should take enough heat each day. If the heat is insufficient, it can lead to malnutrition. While if there are too much protein, it can lead to Hyperlipidemia or atherosclerosis etc. The main source of heat comes from cereal. Have less table sugar or fruits. Eat as little fat as possible, especially animal fat.
2.Patients should take enough animal protein with high quality such as eggs, milk, lean meat, fish and so on and have less vegetable protein like bean products. Lacking protein is much more common in the old people. During uremia, if patients have muscular atrophy and loss of weight, it is necessary for them to take more protein.

3. Patients with little urine, less dialysis and hyperkalemia must control the intake of food with much potassium, such as pear, banana and so on. Patients with severe hypertension, edema, and hypernatronemia should have less intake of sodium. Have 4-5 grams of salt or less every day. Patients with little urine, hypertension, and edema should also control the intake of water. The amount of water taken should be less than the urine that expelled.

Why does Preventing a Cold Is Important for CKD

Catching a cold is a common phenomenon in winter for many people, which can remit spontaneously. And in most of time, we do not pay attention to a cold. However, for chronic kidney disease patients, it will give a deadly hit for them. Why?
As we mentioned in the above articles, kidney disease is a kind of immune disease. When antigen or pathological virus or bacteria invade us, the immune Immunotherapy of our body will set up, which means that the intrinsic immune cells will start to work, fighting against the antigen or pathological virus or bacteria which invade us. Accordingly, these intrinsic immune cells are called antibody. The fight between antigen and antibody is called immune inflammatory response. During the immune inflammatory response, the antigen and antibody will embrace each other and their combination is called immune complex. Generally, the immune complex will discharge out of the body together with blood circulation. However, if the immune complex can not discharge out successfully as usual, they deposite onto one area of kidney and stay there such as renal tissues, renal intrinsic cells. As we know, this deposition on kidney is not proper and welcome for kidney. On one hand, kidney does not need the deposition at all. On the other hand, long time deposition will lead to pathological damage, which is called kidney disease. The body is particular or weak, which can not effectively clear away the immune complex timely. So the immune complex will deposit onto the kidney, and then a series of symptoms appear.
Next, we will explain why catching a cold will worsen the kidney disease. When virus or bacteria which can cause infection and lead to a cold invade the human body, the antibody will fight with them again and form new immune complex again as well. The former one has not been cleared completely, the new one comes into being as well, which worsens the condition of patients with chronic kidney disease.
For example, if we push a wall in a newly built house, we can not push it down. However, if a wall is has a long history and has been damaged, in this case, if we push it, it may fall down easily. So it is quiet necessary to prevent us from catching a cold.
In the former passage, we explained why preventing us from catching a cold is so important. In this passage, we will mainly introduce for you the methods which can help us far from a cold.
Firstly, patients with chronic kidney disease have relatively weak immune Immunotherapy and low resistance to the virus or bacteria which invades. So keeping exercising and taking part in some proper activities can help build up the body and enhance the immunity of the body. The activities for patients with chronic kidney disease can choose are walking, playing Taiji, Yoga, and so on. Remember that the exercise or activity should be moderate, because excessive one will make patients with chronic kidney disease tired thus being caught by cold.
Secondly, in winter, patients should keep warm and remember to wear more when we plan to go out. When we are in house, the temperature is higher, and when we are out, there is a big gap between the temperatures. In this case, when adjusting ourselves to the change of temperature, we are easily to have been caught by a cold.
Thirdly, to prevent ourselves from catching a cold, chronic kidney disease patients can boil vinegar in the house and keep the vinegar in the house. In this case, the molecules of vinegar will diffuse and kill the bacteria and virus. The procedures are as follows: firstly, pour enough amount of vinegar in a container. Then add water to it. The ratio of water and vinegar is 2 to 1. Boil them. When it is boiled, keep it being boiled for several minutes.

Fourthly, patients with chronic kidney disease can also have raw garlic over the meal. In China,garlic has been a necessity on the table of Chinese people. It is known that garlic can kill the bacteria and virus, which can enhance the human immune ability. The report says that garlic contains alliin and allinase. These two kinds of materials can interact each other, and form garlicin, thus killing bacteria and virus.


Lower Creatinine Level Effectively

Creatinine is familiar to the kidney disease patients. It is a by-product of muscle and present in the form of nitrogenous acid. Once produced, it follows with bloodstream by which it reaches at kidneys where it is emitted. Its level is steady, neither too high nor too low, although some certain foods intake and strenuous sports may give it an elevated level, their influence is small that can not be taken into consideration.
The reason for high creatinine level
Normally, creatinine level keeps relatively stable values and waves little. High creatinine level mostly indicates something wrong with kidneys. A normal creatinine level will be gotten if both its produced amount and excreted amount are normal. Its produced amount has close corresponding relationship with the mass of muscle, and the total amount of muscle usually has no obvious change, so its produced amount can be considered constant. When we exclude this reason, high creatinine level may be caused by its excretion which is mainly charged by kidneys. The detailed possible reasons can be damage to or swelling of blood vessels in the kidneys; bacterial infection of the kidneys (pyelonephritis); death of cells in the kidneys’ small tubes; prostate disease, kidney stone, or other causes of urinary tract obstruction; reduced blood flow to the kidney and they all about kidney damage or kidney lesion.
How to get high creatinine level effectively
Western doctors usually prescribe medicines to treat underlying diseases that are responsible for malfunctioning kidneys. Antibiotics are given to the patients, if he/she has kidney infection. Insulin and other diabetic medicines, which work is to control blood sugar, are prescribed when abnormal blood pressure is to blame for the kidney damage. Medicines lowering high blood pressure are used in the cases that high blood pressure causes kidney damage. However, all those methods have a same character-do nothing with the already damaged kidney cells.
Micro-Chinese medicine can not only help to control and treat the underlying diseased but also bring benefits to the damaged or hurt kidney cells. After using, more oxygen and blood are supplied to the kidney cells and various of nutritious substances contained in Micro-Chinese Medicine are also available for the necessary need of damaged kidneys. Thus, with repaired kidney cells, kidney functions will surely be improved and the high creatinine level will get down naturally.

High creatinine level gives a red flag of your kidneys, and the effective treatment should be started immediately. Any question, email me at kidney-symptoms@hotmail.com

My eGFR is around 30 and creatine is 1.7

One of chronic kidney disease patients leave a message in facebook that he has been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and the eGFR is around 30 and creatine is 1.7. He wants to know how serious the condition is and what measures he can take.
There is no doubt that both eGFR( which equals GFR) and serum creatinine are references for the judgment of the kidney function.(High Creatinine Level) In contrast, GFR is more accurate and scientific, which is accepted by labs in most countries. On the basis of GFR, chronic kidney disease can be divided into five stages.
In stage 1, the GFR is more than 90 mL/min/1.73m2.
In stage 2, the GFR is between 60 to 89 mL/min/1.73m2.
In stage 3, the GFR is between 30 to 59 mL/min/1.73m2.
In stage 4, the GFR is between 15 to 29 mL/min/1.73m2.
In stage 5, the GFR is less than 15. In this stage, most patients are under dialysis.
From the above, we can get a conclusion that eGFR is around 30 means that this patient is in stage 3. Stage 3 is a critical stage, in which patients can reverse. However, if the treatment is not timely or effective, this patient will develop into stage 4, which makes it more difficulty for them to recover.

In most countries, patients receive western medicine. If the disease is caused by immune disorder, they will take immunosuppressive agents. After treating, they will find out that the effect is not so satisfactory. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we have researched out the combination of western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, which is a brand new immune therapy so far. Generally, it can be divided into 6 steps, which go as follows:scientific diagnosis, immune inhibition, immune tolerance, immune adjustment, immune protection and immune clearance. For more information, please consult us or leave a message.

How to Stabilize the Blood Pressure for the Patient with Chronic Nephritis

The blood pressure of the patients with Chronic Nephritis is unstable, which can arouse various complications easily. How to stabilize the blood pressure for Chronic Nephritis patient? When the Chronic Nephritis occurs, the whole body of the patient is under the compensatory hemodynamic state which leads to the renal ischemia and anoxia. There is no doubt that when the blood pressure of the whole body rises, the condition of the illness will aggravate. Consequently, the glomerulus suffers progressive damages, and the renal function decreases progressively.
For patients suffering from the Chronic Nephritis, they must control the high blood pressure(High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease) actively and effectively, so as to create a good internal environment for the restoration of damaged intrinsic renal cells, to prevent the renal function from worsening into renal failure or even Uremia.
How to stabilize the blood pressure of Chronic Nephritis patients? Some scholars considered that Calcium Antagonist has a certain influence on the renal function, but that needs a long-term observation. The β-receptor antagonist (β-RB) such as the Metoprolol and Atenolol, can achieve a good curative effect for the rennin-dependent hypertension. The β-RB is capable of decreasing the renin function, although it can drop the cardiac output (CO), there is no influence on the renal blood flow (RBF) and GFR, and so it also can treat the renal parenchymal hypertension. The patients should pay more attention that some β-BRB such as Atenolol and Hydroxyl are low fat-soluble and excreted from the kidneys, so the patients with Renal Failure should regulate the dosage and prolong the intervals of taking medicine.
Besides, the medicine that can enlarge the vessels such as the Hydralazine also has the function to decrease the blood pressure, and combined with the β-RB, these medicine can decrease the side effects caused by stimulating the renin and angiotensin, thus, the curative effects are improved. The usage of the Hydralazine is 200mg per day, but the patient should be watched out, for this medicine has the probability to cause the Lupus Erythematosus Syndrome.
For patients whose edema is apparent and renal function is in the good shape, the thiazide diuretic needs to be added, for patients whose renal function is bad (thecreatinine is more than 200μmol/L), the thiazide medicines do not achieve the good curative effects or no effects, while the meduallary loop diuretic needs to be used. The patients should notice the electrolyte disordered when they apply the diuretic, and the application of the diuretic has the tendency to aggravate the hyperlipemia and hypercoagulability.

Of course, the therapy mentioned above only can take temporary solution, so the patient should take the permanent solution for the renal disease, or the control of the high blood pressure is just the temporary and it is extremely easy to recur.


Complications of CKD and Slow Down the Renal Problems

Complications of CKD
Complications of CKD may be a result of reduction in GFR, disorders of tubular function or reduction in endocrine function of the kidney. Complications include hypertension, malnutrition, anemia, low serum albumin, low serum calcium, high serum phosphate concentration, high serum parathyroid hormone concentration, reduced activities of daily living and lower quality of life. The complications may be problems in themselves or may increase risk for other adverse events (e.g., high blood pressure increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke).
Hypertension is a frequent cause of chronic kidney disease. SyImmunotherapyic hypertension causes direct damage to small blood vessels in the nephron. Nephron damage activates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone syImmunotherapy, resulting in increased sympathetic tone and fluid overload, which compound the progression of hypertension and nephron loss.10
Dyslipidemia is a primary risk factor for cardiovascular disease and a common complication of progressive kidney disease. Most patients with chronic kidney disease have an abnormal lipid panel that increases their risk for atherogenesis. Dyslipidemia contributes to cardiovascular mortality, which is 10 to 20 times higher in dialysis patients than in the normal population even after adjustments are made for age, sex, and diabetes mellitus
The anemia of chronic renal disease is normocytic and normochromic. It occurs primarily because of lower production of erythropoietin by the decreased mass of functioning renal tubular cells.
Anemia results in fatigue, reduced exercise capacity, decreased cognition, and impaired immunity. Thus, it decreases quality of life. In addition, increased workload on the heart as a result of anemia can lead to left ventricular hypertrophy and maladaptive cardiomyopathy. These conditions increase the risk of death from heart failure or ischemic heart disease.35
Changes in mineral metabolism and bone structure begin early in chronic kidney disease. These changes include osteitis fibrosa cystica (because of secondary hyperparathyroidism); less commonly, osteomalacia (defective mineralization); and adynamic bone disease (absence of cellular activity).39 Osteitis fibrosa cystica, the predominant bone defect, is characterized by an increase in bone turnover that leads to decreased cortical bone and impaired bone strength. Bone disease can result in pain and an increased risk of fracture
Patients with chronic kidney disease are at risk for malnutrition and hypoalbuminemia.
The effect of dietary protein restriction on kidney disease is the subject of debate. Some studies suggest that dietary protein restriction slows the progression of kidney disease, particularly in patients with diabetes mellitus.41 However, these studies were confounded by the benefits of ACE-inhibitor therapy on the rate of disease progression.
What Can I Do to Slow Down the Renal Problems
What can I do to slow down renal problem
Your doctor will talk to you about treating the problems that damaged the kidneys.
If you have high blood pressure, it is important to lower your blood pressure. Medicines called ACE inhibitors and angiotensin-II receptor blockers can be helpful. These medicines lower blood pressure and may help keep your kidney disease from getting worse. Exercise and a healthy diet can also help to lower your blood pressure.
If you have diabetes, your doctor will tell you what to do to keep your blood sugar level normal. You will probably need to change your diet, get more exercise and/or take medicine.
If you smoke, you must quit. Smoking damages the kidneys. It also raises blood pressure and interferes with medicines used to treat high blood pressure.
Your doctor may also want you to eat less protein. Too much protein can make the kidneys work too hard.

You will need to have regular checkups so your doctor can check how your kidneys are working and treat problems caused by CKD

Cardiovascular Disease, the Most Dangerous Complication of CKD

CKD leads to various complications, and the overall death rate increases as kidney function decreases. The leading cause of death in patients with Chronic Kidney Diseaseis cardiovascular disease, regardless of whether there is progression to stage five.
Cardiovascular disease is a term technically refers to any disease that affects the cardiovascular syImmunotherapy, and it is usually used to refer to those related to atherosclerosis.
Chronic kidney disease is featured by the progressive decline of renal function, especially the decreasing of Glomerular filtration rate. Nephron damage activates the renin–angiotensin-aldosterone syImmunotherapy, which contracts blood vessels and gives rise to high blood pressure. This is why patients with CKD usually suffer from hypertension at the same time.
In addition, The decline of GFR results in the deposition of creatinine, wastes of metabolism, as well as other toxic substances on blood vessel walls. This not only cause discomfort to the patient, but also serious damages to the heart as well as the blood vessels themselves. For some patients with CKD, the blood creatinine level could be more than 800, which is a very dangerous phenomenon.

Damages to kidneys will reduce the producing of erythropoietin, which is necessary for the generation of blood red cells. and anemia will be the most direct result of low red cell content in the blood.

For Patients with Kidney Problems, How to Prevent Heart Attack

Hypertension is one of the most common accompanying problems of patients with kidney diseases. High blood pressure can be the result of renal problem, or the kidney problem aggravates the existing high blood pressure. in addition, long term high blood pressure(High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease) can in turn worsen the illness condition of kidney problems.
With the development of medical technique, heart disease have decreased in recent years but patients with kidney problems have not enjoyed the reduction in the chances of having a heart attack or developing heart failure, especially for patients who have diabetes or a previous heart attack history.
Hardening of arteries is the most frequent cause of heart disease. Fat and waste deposit on blood vessel give rise to obstacles of blood circulation. The block of small arteries includes those in the heart, the brain and the kidneys.
People with protein in their urine or decreased kidney function may benefit from an even lower blood pressure of 125/75, which is thought to be helpful with slowing down kidney damage in people who already have kidney problems.
Another factor of heart disease is high blood viscosity caused by increased lipid content. Triglycerides and cholesterol are fat in the blood. High blood viscosity makes the blood more difficult to filtrate and slow down the flowing speed of blood. And the result will be the retention of wastes and ischemia anoxia of body organs. So patient with this problem should consider changing their diet in order to avoid fatty foods and other food high in cholesterol. In terms of treating triglycerides, patients should strictly limit the intake of sugar and in some cases, corresponding medicine taking is recommended in order to lower the risk of occurring heart attack or heart failure.
Patients with kidney problem should pay more attention to hypertensor. Medications that lower hypertension decrease the risk of heart disease. Although these medications may be effective in lowering blood pressure, they may interact with other drugs that patients are taking, and they maybe toxic to the kidneys.
Smoking is a fatal factor for patients with kidney problems. Nicotine contained in the cigarette contracts blood vessel and gives more chances to arteriosclerosis. Drinking alcohol is not directly related to higher blood pressure or kidney problems, but alcohol will lead to damage to the liver, and liver is one of the important organ for expelling wastes and harmful substances in the blood.
Diabetes in adult is often associated with being overweight. Weight losing through sensible diet and exercise decrease the risk of heart attack and may improve the diabetes control.

In conclusion, for patients with kidney problem and high blood pressure, they should stop smoking, control cholesterol intake, normalize blood sugar, lose weight if being overweighed. Most importantly, keep a healthy mood.

Complication of Kidney Disease, Hyperuricemia

Urea Acid is the final product of purine metabolism. Dysfunction of purine metabolism leads to the excessive secretion of urea acid. In addition, the decline of renal function will give rise to lower excretion of urea acid. These two above reasons can result in increase of urea acid content in blood, and then these urea acid accumulate in the blood and cause Hyperuricemia.
High urea acid content in blood easily leads to deposition of urate in joints, which is commonly called Gout. And when there is more and more deposition of urate in renal glomerulus and renal tubules, damages to the kidney will be caused or aggravated.
The two main causations of Hyperuricemia, namely, are more secretion of urea acid and less excretion of urea acid. Referring to the former causation, we can peruse a diet change to food low in purine. And according to data, people who take too much sea foods are more vulnerable to this disease. So, patients with this Hyperuricemia or kidney problems should pay much more attention to intake of sea food.
However, starvation causes the body to metabolize its own (purine-rich) tissues for energy. Thus, like a high purine diet, starvation increases the amount of purine converted to uric acid. Starvation also impairs the ability of the kidney to excrete uric acid, due to competition for transport between uric acid and ketenes.
In case that the excretion of urea acid is stocked, medicine should be adopted immediately to enhance the degradation of deposited urate. Xanthine oxidase inhibitors decrease the production of uric acid, by interfering with Xanthine oxidase Uricosurics increase the excretion of uric acid, by reducing the reabsorption of uric acid once the kidneys have filtered it out of the blood.

In addition to Gout, high content of urea acid can also give rise to vascular diseases like hypertension, arteriosclerosis and so on. So the taking under control of blood pressure is of great important.

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Complications of Dialysis

Complications of dialysis
This complication generally occurs to patients who adopt Acetate Dialysis. And the reasons Immunotherapy from acetate metabolism within the body and the decrease of CO2 and HCO3 content in blood. In addition, the bad biocompatibility of dialysis membrane will lead to white cells concentration in pulmonary capillary vessels, which results in hypoxemia. This complication usually has no obvious clinical symptom and patients with cardiac disease history or the elderly are more vulnerable to this complication when receiving dialysis.
Hypotension is usually caused by the decline of effective blood volume, relatively fast filtration speed, pathological changes of automatic nerves, and decline of vasoconstriction and high level of atrial natriuretic factor. And the main symptoms include dizziness, choking sensation in chest, perspiration, amaurosis, nausea and vomiting, muscular spasm or even the loss of consciousness. Referring to treatments of this complication, immediate replenishing blood volume together with slowing down blood stream speed or even suspending dialysis temporally are highly recommended.
Cardiac tamponade
Cardiac tamponade can occur during or after the dialysis. And it is usually hemorrhagic cardiac tamponade. The causation can be the application of heparin to patients who have already suffer from pericarditis.
Hemolysis can be caused by abnormality of dialysate like dialysate low permeability, high temperature or higher content of nitrate or chloramines. Symptoms include palpitation, shortness of breath, fantod, and the occurrence of sharp waist pain or abdomen spasm could be possible. Dialysate low permeability can also result in water intoxication or cerebral edema. the aggravation of anemia is the most common result of Hemolysis.
Imbalance syndrome

This complication occurs to patients with high level of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. After receiving dialysis, the maldistribution of substances mainly made up of urea in blood and cerebral tissue, together with the imbalance of PH levels can easily lead to cerebral anoxia or cerebral edema. And symptoms include headache after dialysis, fatigue, increase of blood pressure, sleep-disorder and so on.

Rectifying Protein Urine,Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia - kidney disease

Patients with Chronic Nephritis generally suffer from hypertension at the same time. High blood pressure easily aggravates the illness condition. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACE) is usually used to reduce blood pressure. ACE can effectively reduce high blood pressure and at the same time protect the kidney from being damaged. However, patients with nephritis and hypertension should be clear that the sudden and sharp decrease of blood pressure can also aggravate the illness condition. it is well known that blood flow is closely related to blood pressure and the sudden decrease of blood pressure makes blood inflow to the kidneys retreat sharply, which give rise to blood and oxygen insufficiency of renal cells.
The progressive loss of glomerular function and the development of glomerulosclerosis are not only related to high blood pressure but also protein leakage. The more serious protein leakage is, the faster glomerulosclerosis development will be. Protein leakage Immunotherapys from inflammatory reaction of renal cells, so anti-inflammation is the key. Referring to protein urine, another problem also deserves patients attention is that as long as the inflammatory reaction of renal cell exists, the leakage of protein will not be stopped, and the replenishment of high-quality protein such as venoclysis of albumin is of little or no help. What is more, this will also increase workloads of the kidneys.

Patients with Chronic Nephritis usually suffer from Hyperlipidemia. Researches have proven that Hyperlipidemia can also contribute to the aggravation of renal illness condition. The adoptions of antilipemic agents as well as a low-fat diet are necessary. However, some patients must understand that some antilipemic agents are harmful to the Liver, so the selecting of proper drugs is important.

Hypertension Caused by Chronic Kidney Disease(ckd)

Under the condition of Chronic Nephritis, remaining nephrones are in a state of compensation, which means that high blood perfusion exists in the kidney. And the general hypertension will only aggravate this state.
In recent years, researches have proven that Angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitor is effective in reducing blood pressure. Clinical practices also show that calcium antagonist can also effectively reduce blood pressure and thus alleviate the high blood perfusion state. In addition, calcium antagonist is also helpful with reducing oxygen consumption and blocking the assembly of soterocyte. This medicine can also reduce the incidence of calcium deposition on renal mesenchyme. By this, the purpose of reducing renal damage and stabilizing renal function can be achieved.
Clinical practices have proven that long-term adoption of calcium antagonist will not lead damages to glomerulus. what is more, calcium has no preventing protein leakage effect.
For hypertension Immunotherapy from excessive secretion of renin, beta receptor antagonist is of great help. Corresponding medicines include Metoprolol and Atenolol reduce the secretion of renin but will neither impair blood inflow to the kidneys nor declining glomerular filtration rate. However, patients must understand that these drugs are of low lipid solubility and they are excreted out of the body through the kidneys, so for patients with renal insufficiency, they should pay much attention on adopting proper medicine dosage and prolonging medicine using intervals.
Why patients with Chronic Nephritis are more vulnerable to hypertension
Hypertension that Immunotherapy from Chronic Nephritis accounts for 5%--10% of all adult hypertension. Nephritic hypertension can be the result of increased blood volume and the excessive secretion of renin.
Pathological changes of kidneys give rise to body fluid retention, which correspondingly increase the blood volume and as a result increases blood pressure. The difficulty in sodium excretion is the main reason of this type of high blood pressure.
Pathological changes of renal cortex and renal vessels will give rise kidney blood insufficiency which stimulates renal cells of goal artery to secrete renin. Renin is a kind of hydrolysis protease which can transform liver produced proangiotensin into angiotensin Ⅰ, which latterly will be transformed by angiotensin converting enzyme into angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is of high activity and can effectively contract vessels. In addition, angiotensin II enhance the secretion of aldosterone which is a kind of hormone that adjusts blood volume. Excessive secretion of aldosterone promotes the water and sodium reabsorption ability of renal tubules. And the excessive absorption of water and sodium in turn aggravates blood volume and the condition of hypertension.
~Hypertension Caused by Chronic Kidney Disease(ckd)
Details of Immunotherapy
2011-06-13 18:02
Under the condition of Chronic Nephritis, remaining nephrones are in a state of compensation, which means that high blood perfusion exists in the kidney. And the general hypertension will only aggravate this state.
In recent years, researches have proven that Angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitor is effective in reducing blood pressure. Clinical practices also show that calcium antagonist can also effectively reduce blood pressure and thus alleviate the high blood perfusion state. In addition, calcium antagonist is also helpful with reducing oxygen consumption and blocking the assembly of soterocyte. This medicine can also reduce the incidence of calcium deposition on renal mesenchyme. By this, the purpose of reducing renal damage and stabilizing renal function can be achieved.
Clinical practices have proven that long-term adoption of calcium antagonist will not lead damages to glomerulus. what is more, calcium has no preventing protein leakage effect.
For hypertension Immunotherapy from excessive secretion of renin, beta receptor antagonist is of great help. Corresponding medicines include Metoprolol and Atenolol reduce the secretion of renin but will neither impair blood inflow to the kidneys nor declining glomerular filtration rate. However, patients must understand that these drugs are of low lipid solubility and they are excreted out of the body through the kidneys, so for patients with renal insufficiency, they should pay much attention on adopting proper medicine dosage and prolonging medicine using intervals.
Why patients with Chronic Nephritis are more vulnerable to hypertension
Hypertension that Immunotherapy from Chronic Nephritis accounts for 5%--10% of all adult hypertension. Nephritic hypertension can be the result of increased blood volume and the excessive secretion of renin.
Pathological changes of kidneys give rise to body fluid retention, which correspondingly increase the blood volume and as a result increases blood pressure. The difficulty in sodium excretion is the main reason of this type of high blood pressure.

Pathological changes of renal cortex and renal vessels will give rise kidney blood insufficiency which stimulates renal cells of goal artery to secrete renin. Renin is a kind of hydrolysis protease which can transform liver produced proangiotensin into angiotensin Ⅰ, which latterly will be transformed by angiotensin converting enzyme into angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is of high activity and can effectively contract vessels. In addition, angiotensin II enhance the secretion of aldosterone which is a kind of hormone that adjusts blood volume. Excessive secretion of aldosterone promotes the water and sodium reabsorption ability of renal tubules. And the excessive absorption of water and sodium in turn aggravates blood volume and the condition of hypertension.


Causations of Hyperkalemia - kidney disease

Causations of Hyperkalemia - kidney disease
Hyperkalemia commonly occurs to patients with renal insufficiency, and especially to patients who suffer from Anuria or oliguria. Hyperkalemia describe the situation when blood potassium level surpass 5.5mmol/L. Hyperkalemia commonly give rise to diseases of the nerves , the heart, and the muscle.
Anoria or oliguria lessen the excretion of potassium and lead to the increase of blood potassium level. Adrenal cortex dysfunction or insufficiency secretion of renin caused by long-term usage of diuretic lesson the secretion of aldosterone which helps with the retention of sodium and excretion of potassium.
Potassium is excreted out of the body mainly through the kidneys. And decline in renal function can easily lead to retention of potassium in the blood. Anuria or oliguria commonly occur in patients with acute renal failure, and especially when Anuria occurs, blood potassium level could increase at a rate of 0.7mmol/L per day. With patients with chronic renal failure, the progressive increase of blood potassium is seldom, however, when disease develops into late stage renal failure, oliguria can easily lead to blood potassium level increase.
Aldosterone helps with retaining sodium and excreting potassium, and this effect is achieved through adjusting the reabsorption ability of renal far tubules. Addison Disease indicates the declining renin secretion ability of adrenal cortex. Insufficiency secretion of renin can be caused by the usage of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. Low aldosterone caused by renin insufficiency commonly occurs to patients with unserious renal failure or to diabetics with renal failure.

Intracellular fluid contains approximately 30 times more potassium then that of extracellular fluid. And consecutive energy supplication guarantees the concentration difference of potassium. However, oxygen insufficiency, dysfunction of acid-base balance as well as other factor can easily give rise to insufficient energy providing to cells, which enhance cellular catabolism. Massive cell loss or getting injured, or academia can lead to the escape of potassium from intracellular fluid to extracellular fluid. So, blood potassium level will consequently be increased. Massive red cells breading down can be caused by various factors like sunstroke lead to the spreading of intracellular potassium into the blood.

Seruim Creatinine - Kidney Disease

Treatment for High Serum Creatinine Levels should be Cause-oriented
Beside diet factor, kidney disease, such as acute or chronic glomerulonephroritis also cause high serum creatine (SC) level. After being attacked by diseases, the damaged renal intrinsic cells will have phenotypic transition, producing pathological changes. Renal fibroblasts are stimulated into myofibroblasts which will attack well-functioning tissues and trigger similar pathological changes. Then Lesions spread from one cell to another, one part to the whole. This expanding and stimulating process will aggravate the disease into a stage of organ damage. Continual damages affect renal function of removing wastes. Toxic substance like creacine accumulates in the body, duly results in rising SC, which accompanise high level of usea nitrogen (USN) and a corresponding reduce of renal filtration. Meanwhile, the patients may have other symptoms, such as hypertension, severe edema, etc.
What Does High Creatinine Mean?
High SC means renal filtration function decline. Toxin accumulated in the body but can not be removed. The development of disease can be classified into four stages in respects of SC level: compensatory stage of renal insufficiency, decompensation period renal insufficiency, renal failure stage of renal insufficiency, uremia stage of renal insufficiency. Compensatory stage of renal insufficiency is a period of inflammation response and intrinsic cells has not transited in phenotypic yet. Decompensation period is a transition stage of renal failure, a period of fibrosis formation. In this period, phenotypic transition of intrinsic cells accelerates that of renal interstitial fibroblast. Meanwhile synthetic extracellular matrix increases, but degradation of matrix decreases, which will progress to irreversible stage of cicatricial kidney if unable to control in time.
Direct Use of SC-lowering Medications, Right or Wrong?
As such a significant consequence would high SC result in, what is a better choice of a treatment? Most patients would take large amount of medications when they have high SC level, then SC level falls back. They are delight for the result. Some of them may ask why SC level increases when stop taking medications. If the decrease of SC level means recovery, why is there no relief of hypertension, anemia, etc.?
This comes to the point of what we are talking about today—SC-lowering medications. Many medications can reduce SC straightly, such as Creatine Top and Creatine. They remove toxin quickly via intestinal tracts or by utilizing drugs’ duel function of sorption and repair. However it is a kind of artificial detoxication but not working for renal repair. The patient will loss existing renal function gradually in a long term and progress to uremia due to his/her sustained high SC level.
What is the most effective treatment?
The development of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is actually a gradual process of renal fibrosis. Clinically, patient especially for those in early stage of uremia should depend not simply on western medicine but on a combination therapy of symptomatic western treatment and cause-oriented Chinese medicine. Only through that method could the extension of renal fibrosis be stopped.

Major functions of Micro-Chinese medications include removing immune complex and lesions that contribute to damages in glomerular basement membrane and repairing the damaged membrane. Their repair changes renal structure and expands glomeruilar filtration area. SC condition therefore will be improved. It needs a time for a cure. At this time, the patient should notice flue prevention, diet and temper control, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc and avoid being tired to protect renal function carefully. As long as you pay attention to those, SC will certainly decrease.

The Complications of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Respiratory System

Due to internal disorder and the decline in immunity, CKD patients are liable to be affected internally and externally to undertake pathological change in lungs, including uremia lung, pneumonedema and pleural effusion.
a) Uremia lung. It is also called uremia pneumonedema or uremia pneumonia. Its symptoms are mild and are only those of uremia in the early stage. As the disease develops, patients would have mild or moderate cough with little viscous sputum and dyspnea. When it develops into mesenchyme fibrosis, dyspnea and cyanosis aggravate. Another symptom is moderate or mild hemoptysis and one has to make a distinction between cardiogenic pulmonary edema, lung infection, goodpasturessyndrome and uremia lung.
b) Uremia fibrous pleura disease. The morbidity of the complication is 15%-20%. The symptoms include pleural friction rub, chest pain or chest discomfort, dyspnea or fever. The pleural friction rub can last 1 day to 15, probably accompanied by pleural effusion. Blood urea nitrogen has nothing to do with pleural effusion.
c) Lung calcification. CKD often causes calcification of soft tissues, especially lungs. The clinical symptoms include chronic dyspnea, acute or sub-acute respiratory failure with the Rabat result normal. No more calcium supplement, cutting parathyroid gland, eating low phosphorous food, using low-calcium disalysate, or increase in dialysis time—all these methods can reverse the calcification.
d) Uremia pulmonary edema is one of the common acute complications. In this case CKD patients have severe dyspnea, suffocating feeling, sweating, cough, coughing up phlegm with pink frothy sputum and wheezing sound in lungs.
Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy, a scientific therapy for CKD treatment, can block the renal fibrosis fundamentally.

The most scientific way to treat CKD is to fundamentally block the renal fibrosis, restore the damaged intrinsic renal cells and rebuild the renal structure to restore the renal function again.

The Skin Problems and Phlebothrombosis --the complication of Chronic Kidney Disease

Phlebothrombosis --the complication of Chronic Kidney Disease
Phlebothrombosis is one of the complications of CKD, which can lead to the renal function decline.
Hypercoagulability exists in kidney for Nephrotic Syndrome patients, mainly because the change of blood coagulation factor in blood including the increase in fibrinogen, β-thrombus globulin and platelet and the reducing vitality of antithrombin and antiplasmin. In this case, thrombosis easily takes place. Antibiotic, hormone and hydragogue can aggravate the occurrence of phlebothrombosis. If Nephrotic syndrome patients have less than 2.0g/dl plasma albumin, the risk of phlebothrombosis increases. The Nephrotic Syndrome patients with acute phlebothrombosis may have the symptoms such as hematuresis, leucocyturia and urine protein, and their renal function declines. The Nephrotic Syndrome patients with chronic phlebothrombosis have no symptom, but the renal blood stasis often makes the proteinuria increase.
To solve the problem of phlebothrombosis, we have to apply a kind of medicine which has little side effect. Chinese medicine is derived from natural plant which has little side effect. Micro-Chinese Medicine may be the best choice. The prescriptions were superfinely shattered to make the effective ingredients released out. The most important functions of Micro-Chinese Medicine are to dilate blood vessels and anti-coagulate, which proved effective to solve the phlebothrombosis. In this way can the stasis be eliminated finally. Then the renal function is restored and the patients recover in the end.
The Skin Problems of Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) Patients
Sometimes Chronic Kidney Disease patients may have skin problems which can haunt CKD patients all the time though it is not so severe that it threatens the life of CKD patients. Skin disorders associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD) can markedly affect a patient's quality of life and can negatively impact their mental and physical health.
Uremic pruritus, which is frequently encountered in patients with CKD, is considered to be an inflammatory Immunotherapyic disease rather than a local skin disorder. Biomarkers of inflammation are increased in patients with uremic pruritus and an imbalance of the endogenous opioidergic Immunotherapy might be involved in the complex pathogenesis of the disease. Treatment options for uremic pruritus include emollients, topical capsaicin cream, ultraviolet B phototherapy, gabapentin, oral activated charcoal and nalfurafine, a -opioid-receptor agonist. Calcific uremic arteriolopathy is triggered by an imbalance of promoters and inhibitors of vascular calcification, caused by the inflammatory changes that occur in uremia. Promising therapeutic strategies for calcific uremic arteriolopathy include bisphosphonates and intravenous sodium thiosulfate. Nephrogenic Immunotherapyic fibrosis is a devastating condition associated with the use of gadolinium-based contrast agents in patients with CKD.

At present, no therapies are available for this complication. Preventive measures include use of iodine-based contrast agents, particularly in patients with CKD stage 4 and 5. If gadolinium contrast is necessary, administration of low volumes of the more stable macrocyclic ionic types of gadolinium-based contrast agent is advocated. Hemodialysis following gadolinium exposure might offer benefits but evidence is lacking.

The Dangerous Factors Increasing the Risk of Cerebrovascular Disease--the Complication of CKD

The statistics shows that the mortality related to cerebrovascular disease is 12.7% among CKD patients receiving dialysis. Cerebrovascular disease is one of the common complications of CKD as well as the main death cause of uremia patients.
Since that CKD patients tend to have cerebrovascular disease, then what are the symptoms CKD patients should pay attention to?
First, hypertension is the most dangerous factor for CKD patients. It is common that CKD patients often have hypertension, arteriosclerosis, especially cerebrovascularsclerosis at the same time. Therefore, CKD patients with hypertension are apt to have cerebrovascular disease.
The second one is something about the renal function. It is found that high serum creatinine patients, with or without hypertension, have high risk of cerebrovascular disease.
MAU is also one of causes of stroke. MAU refers to the albumin in urine is beyond the expected arrange but under the urine proteins examinable in the Urine Routine Examination, i.e. urine albumin 30-300mg/d/24h. when CKD patients have MAU,they obviously have higher risk of cerebrovascular disease, stroke, renal damage and mortality.
If CKD patients are accompanied by anemia, the risk of stroke is increasing. When the renal function declines, the number of hemopoietin decrease, which reduces the protective function of neurons and increases the risk of stroke.
Hyperur icemia is anther factor. It may be caused by hypoxia of some tissues when the kidney lacks blood supply.

Diabetes is one of the main causes of CKD. The morbility of cerebrovascular disease is high among Diabetic Nephropathy patients.


What Are the Consequences of Renal Hypertension

Hypertension (High blood pressure) caused by renal disease is referred as renal hypertension, and it can be divided into two types: pathological changes in renal parenchyma and in renal blood vessels, the latter accounts for 5% to 10% of all the cases with high blood pressure. Almost 20% of all the kidney patients develop high blood pressure. The hazards that renal hypertension is similar to that of primary hypertension, which mainly target, apart from kidney, the heart, brain and blood vessels.
1. the effects on the heart
With rising blood pressure, the resistance in ventriculus sinister increases, leaving ventriculus sinister in a state of overload. So, the ventriculus sinister would gradually thicken and expand, the cardiac muscle’s weight and oxygen consumption increase. At the same time, high blood pressure would damage coronary artery, resulting in atherosclerosis of coronary artery, which would make it narrow and the supply of the blood less. With the two factors working together, heart rate disorder, angina, MI(myocardial infarction) and heart failure could happen.
2. the effects on the brain
Long-term hypertension would make arteriola in the brain harden, their walls thicken, their lumen narrow, which tends to cause cerebral thrombosis. The blocking of the blood vessel could lead to cerebral atrophy, potentially developing into dementia.
As the structure of the cerebral blood vessels are relatively vulnerable, especially when they are hardened, angiospasm even rupture is likely to occur when the blood pressure fluctuates.
3. the effects on peripheral blood vessels
Because of the pathological changes in the blood vessels, the transport of oxygen and nutritious matters to the peripheral tissues lessens, which would cause intermittent claudication characterized in spasm and pain. Rest pain usually occurs in the aftermath of renal thrombosis.
Considering the hazards of high blood pressure, kidney patients should control their blood pressure strictly. Otherwise, the consequences are vital.
If you have questions , feel free to contact our online experts who are ready to give you advice on your treatment based on your specific conditions.


A General Introduction About proteinuria in kidney disease

Protein in urine is not presented only in kidney disease. Other diseases also can cause proteinuria, like urinary Immunotherapy infection. So when we find protein in urine, please don't be afraid. We should take the further test to check the real cause. Following is some common knowledge about proteinuria. I hope it can help you.
What is proteinuria?(Proteinuria and Kidney Disease)
For the normal people, there is nearly little protein in urine, but once the 24h amount of protein is more than 150mg, it can be called proteinuria.
If there are foams in urine which even are like the ones in breaking eggs, it is quite likely to be proteinuria. But it is also essential to take a further examination and ensure whether it is proteinuria. However, not all of the urine containing white foams can be named as proteinuria. Some patients' urine presents lots of foams, especially female, but there is no abnormality in Urine Routine Test. This situation is quite common. After being put aside for about 2 hours, the foams will disappear spontaneously. So the occurrence of foams in urine also has relationship with the shock.
Whether all of the proteinuria means our kidney is damaged?
Clinically, proteinuria can be physiological and pathological. The former one is not caused by the disease and mostly, it is transient. It is mainly seen in the following situations:
(1)Functional proteinuria: this kind of proteinuria is usually caused by various factors, like fever, strenuous exercise, a cold etc.. And usually, there is no organic disease in urinary Immunotherapy. Once these inducements are eliminated, proteinuria will disappear. This kind of proteinuria is lighter and in general, the 24h amount of proteinuria is less than 0.5g.
The pathological proteinuria is persistent and urine protein presents positive in many-times' tests. It is most commonly seen in glomerular disease.
(2) Orthostatic proteinuria or postural albuminuria. It usually occurs in adolescents. And the proteinuria will disappear during decubitus. Generally, there are no other abnormalities, like edema(Swelling and Kidney Disease), hematuresis, hypertension etc. The amount of proteinuria is less than 1g, so patients need no worry.
Whether proteinuria can influence our renal function or not?
The key to answer this question lies in how much there is proteinuria. If the amount of proteinuria is more than 1g persistently, then patient's renal function may have been damaged. If the amount of proteinuria is more than 3g continuously, patient should take the treatment positively or the renal function will be injured seriously. The continuous filtration of large quantity of proteinuria through glomeruli can lead to glomerular high filtration, high perfusion and high pressure, which can cause the glomerular sclerosis, and then the Renal Insufficiency will occur.
So when we find proteinuria, firstly, we should judge its nature and then take the relative treatment.

I hope the above information can help you and if you have any other questions about proteinuria, please consult our experts online!

Anemia and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

If you are a sufferer from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), then you are very likely to develop anemia. Well, do you know how can you tell if you have anemia?
To get the answers, knowing what is anemia firstly is necessary.
Anemia refers to the low red blood cell count. Usually, when CKD develops into end stage, then anemia will appear and with the aggravation of CKD, anemia will deteriorate at the same time. If people with CKD suffer from anemia, they usually look pale. Anemia caused by CKD can be formed through different pathological changes such as decreased generation of red blood cells, shortened lifespan of red blood cell, great loss of red blood cells along with the urine, and bleeding which is easy to appear among people with end stage renal failure.
How can you tell if you have anemia?(Anemia and Kidney Disease)
Anemia can be detected by blood test-hemoglobin level. Apart from blood test, another way we can detect anemia by ourselves is to start from its symptoms. People with CKD have damaged kidneys which can generate the necessary hormone for the production of red blood cells. Because red blood cells can carry oxygen to all the tissues of our body, so people suffering from anemia may feel very tired all the time. They have less energy and enthusiasm and do not want to do anything. They may also have troubles in focusing their attention in one thing. Besides, when anemia becomes more serious, dizziness may be present. Because these symptoms are common in our daily life, so people suffering from anemia may regard them as the consequence of overwork or poor rest.

Although anemia caused by CKD is one of the complications of kidney disease, it also can aggravate the kidney damage, pushing its sufferers in danger. Therefore, once anemia appears, people with CKD should pay much more attention in their daily life. For the specific matters needing attention, please email to me or consult our consultant online.

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