
6 Main Symptoms of IgA Nephropathy

1. Gross hematuria Gross hematuria can be found in 30%-50% of patients (urine appears to be brown or water where flesh is washed, and blood clot is rarely seen), which usually occurs after pharyngitis and amygdalitis, or appears under influences like overstrain, a cold, vaccination, pneumonia, gastroenteritis, etc. It usually occurs together with inducements, or occurs several hours to 24 hours after the inducements and then remits spontaneously after lasting several hours to one week. (Nephritis usually occurs one week after infection).
2. Abnormal in urinalysis Persistent microscopic hematuria accompanied by proteinuria is very common. In most of time, patients with IgA Nephropathy can not be aware that they have got proteinuria. The difference is that there is foamy in the surface of the urine, which does not disappear for a long time. The bubble or foam is protein which leaks out.
3. Nephrotic Syndrome. Four characteristic manifestations are as follows: proteinuria, the amount of protein in which in 24 hours is more than 3.5g, low protein in plasma (hypoproteinemia), and hyperlipemia and swelling.
4. Acute Renal Failure can be divided into two types: one is pathological change with vasculitis caused by large quantity of crescent in glomeruli; the other occurs when large quantity of erythrocyte casts blocks the tubules during gross hematuria.
5. Chronic Renal Failure. Usually, it is the late manifestation of this long-term disease. In this class, patients with IgA Nephropathy can also have other symptoms such as poor appetite, nausea, and so on.

6. Hypertension or high blood pressure. It is a symptom which appears when kidney function gets worse.

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