
How to Diagnose Chronic Kidney Disease Earlier

How to diagnose chronic kidney disease earlier? Most kidney diseases are latent, which can not be diagnosed in the early stage. However, there are some early signals which can indicate the damage in the kidney, which goes as follows:
1. edema or swelling in eyelids or lower limbs
The main function of kidney is to maintain the balance of water and salt in the body. So when there is damage in the kidney, there must be edema or swelling, which is obvious. People who have edema all should go to have a test. In the course, do not forget to have a urine test such as white blood cells, red blood cells and renal function test such as creatinine, urea acid and blood urea nitrogen. You had better have urine test more than 2 times.
2. lower back pain or sour
Most kidney disease patients do not have lower back pain or sour even in the end stage of kidney disease. But some of them have it in the early stage. So please go to hospital and have a test about urine and ultrasound test if you feel lower back pain or sour.
3. high blood pressure or hypertension
High blood pressure, also called hypertension has close relationship with kidney damage. High blood pressure for a long time can lead to kidney damage and kidney disease in turn can lead to high blood pressure. People with high blood pressure please have regular urine and microalbumin test and those with kidney disease please test blood pressure every day.
4. urine amount and urine color
If the urine looks reddish or foamy or increases on amount especially at night, it indicates that there is damage in the kidney maybe.
5. abnormal urine test
Proteinuria, hematuria, cast urine, white blood cell urine, sugar in urine, all of these indicate damage in the kidney.
6. high creatinine
Creatinine is an index which reflects kidney function. The allergic degree is not high. So once serum creatinine is high, it indicates that the damage in the kidney is a lot. In this case, we must have follow up and have further test.
7. abnormal kidney image test

Shrinkd kidney or size gap between right kidney and left kidney both indicate the parenchyma damage in kidney such as kidney cysts or urinary barrier.

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