
How I Control High Creatinine in Daily Life

Creatinine is a very important index which can tell kidney function for creatinine is filtrated in kidney. Normal levels of creatinine in the blood are approximately 0.6 to 1.2 milligrams (mg) per deciliter (dl) in adult males and 0.5 to 1.1 milligrams per deciliter in adult females. When kidney is damaged, the secretion ability declines as well, which leads to accumulation of creatinine in the body, thus causing high creatinine in plasma. As for how to control high creatinine in daily life, experts in kidney field give you the following tips.
1. Stop drinking coffee. Coffee is a romantic drink especially in western countries, which can make people fresh, and comfortable and even stands for high class and high life quality. Many modern office workers taste coffee in their leisure time, which is an enjoyable moment. Coffee also contains antioxygen, so drinking coffee can be good for our body. However, if we drink too much, the essential oil in coffee can block the function of blood vessels, and can also make a large amount of toxins accumulate, which can damage the immune syImmunotherapy. So high creatinine level patients should stop drinking it.
2. Stop smoking and alcohol for both of them can do harm to kidney and blood vessels. The more high creatinine people smoke or drink alcohol, the more damage kidney will suffer. For example, renal artery sclerosis will take place, which can make creatinine higher.

3. Take herbs. There are many herbs which contain special properties to lower creatinine level, such as Chamomile, Cinnamon, Stinging Nettle, Cinnamon, Salvia etc. Herbal medicine is considered not only can lower creatinine level naturally, but also can improve renal functions without side effects for they repair the damaged cells and increase immunity. However, some patients with high creatinine may ask now where can I buy these herbs and after I buy them, how can I apply? Yes, even these are got in market, we should also smash them and boil them. Considering these, experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital created Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which needs not the above procedure and can reach these effects we mentioned. It is convenient, effective and has been proved to help many patients decrease high creatinine. For more information about how Micro-Chinese Medicine decreases high creatininie, please consult us or leave a message.

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