
Creatinine 1.3mg/ dL =Creatinine 104 umol/L

It is generally believed that creatinine 1.3mg/ dL equals creatinine 104 umol/L. The normal range of creatinine is between 44 to 103 umol/L. So from the above, we can get a conclusion that Creatinine 1.3mg/ dL) means that it is a little higher that that of the normal range.
In this case, some patients hold the idea that there is nearly nothing damage in the kidney. As a matter of fact, the GFR (glomerular filtration rate) has decreased already. Why? It is because the kidney has a strong ability of compensation, which means that after some renal glomeruli are damaged, the others will replace their work and do more filtration work. So the creatinine which accumulated in the serum can be discharged in time and the level will not increase. This theory can also be used to explain why if we donate a kidney, we can still survive well after the donation.
If this lasts for a long time, there will be more damage. In addition, some symptoms will appear such as pain in the back, hematuria, proteinuria, high blood pressure, and so on.
What shall we do to avoid this? According to the latest theory, the damage in the kidney is due to the insufficiency of blood and oxygen in the kidney. Of course, there is also damage in the other organs or blood of the body. Long time insufficiency will lead to sclerosis of blood, thus causing thrombosis. Thrombosis in turn will worsen the kidney disease. So we can get a conclusion that we should promote the blood circulation and dissolve the stasis if necessary. Mirco-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can achieve it for it contains many active and nutritious materials. The detailed steps are as follows:
Firstly, it is applied through osmosis into renal area directly. After this, more effective medicine will play roles compared with traditional Chinese medicine which is applied through cooking and taking orally.
Secondly, after they arrive renal area, they can improve the blood circulation, especially the micro-circulation, which can clean the blood environment.

Thirdly, after the first and the second step, the creatinine will turn normal and the inner environment will be clean.

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