
SHPT Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency in CKD Patients

PTH is short for Parathyroid Hormone, which is a symptom of chronic kidney disease stage 2. In stage 3, it becomes more obvious and severe. SHPT is short for secondary hyperparathyroidism, which is caused by chronic kidney disease (CKD), Fanconi syndrome, acidosis of renal tubules, insufficiency of vitamin D, etc.
The pathological mechanism of SHPT goes as follows:
1. In renal insufficiency stage, renal nephrons decreases, the phosphorus in blood increases, which inhibits the 1αhydroxylase, so the generation of 1.25-(OH)2D3 decreases.
2. Due to acidosis of renal tubules, a lot of phosphate is discharged out of urine, which leads to the insufficiency of hydroxyapatite in bone, thus stimulating PTH and causing SHPT.
3. Damaged renal tubules caused by autoimmune disease can also lead to insufficiency of vitamin D, which leads to the obstacles of calcium absorption. This also leads to PTH.
How to deal with SHPT linked to Vitamin D deficiency in CKD patients?
On one hand, treat CKD effectively and on the other hand, take in vitamin d or food rich in vitamin D.
As for the treatment of CKD stage 2 and stage 3 timely and effectively. As we mentioned in the above, SHPT appears in stage 2 of chronic kidney disease and becomes serious in stage 3 of chronic kidney disease. In these two stages, condition can be reversible as long as the treatment is customized. The main therapy doctors in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can supply is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, the main mechanism of which is extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, discharging stasis in the blood, which can increase immunity as well. Since now we do not know your specific condition, we can not arrange a customized therapy. You can communicate with us and send your report and then we can give a scientific diagnosis.

In addition, take in more food rich in vitamin D especially fruit and vegetables such as fish liver oil, fish in deep sea, animal’s liver, cherry and strawberry, etc

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