
Five Diabetic Nephropathy Stages

Long time high blood sugar of diabetes can lead to Diabetic Nephropathy gradually. With time passing by, due to high blood sugar, the renal micro-blood vessels can suffer from sclerosis, which leads to the sclerosis of renal glomeruli. In clinic, the period of diabetes to Diabetic Nephropathy can be divided into 5 stages.
In the first stage, renal glomeruli are in ultrafiltration stage. The kidney size increases. If patients can control the blood sugar well, the pathological damage in the kidney can be reversible.
In the second stage, there is also no damage in the kidney. The renal glomerular filtration rate is high as well, and microprotein in urine appears every now and then.
The third stage is early stage of Diabetic Nephropathy in clinic. In this stage, the renal glomerular filtration rate begins to decrease. In this stage, the blood pressure begins to increase, and continuous microprotein in urine starts to appear as well.
The fourth stage of Diabetic Nephropathy is clinical Diabetic Nephropathy. In this stage, the renal glomerular filtration rate is obviously lower than that of the normal one. The blood pressure also increases. The report of the examination also shows positive. After 3 to 4 years, patients may have a large amount of proteinuria, and the amount of the protein in the urine is more than 3.5g in 24 hours. In addition, patients with Diabetic Nephropathy can also have symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome.

The fifth stage of Diabetic Nephropathy is advanced stage of kidney failure, which is also called uremia stage. In this stage, the renal glomerular filtration rate is quiet low. What’s more, there will be a large amount of proteinuria. If such amount of proteinuria lasts for three to four years, Diabetic Nephropathy patients may develop into uremia stage easily. In that case, patients have to take dialysis. Complications such as anemia will also appear consequently.

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