
Patients with CKD Stage 4 Recovers here

Name: Johnson
Country: America
Age: 83
Diagnosis: CKD stage 4, chronic renal insufficiency caused by hypertensive nephropathy
Medical history:
35 years ago, in a physical examination, I find out that I had high blood pressure, which was as high as 170/100mmhg. At that time, I could not feel any discomfort so I only take in some hypertensor. Since then, the blood pressure could be controlled well.
However, 6 years ago, my condition becomes serious. My kidney function becomes abnormal. The serum creatinine was 1.6mg/dl. I am afraid. I begin to take in some oral medicine. But it is hard to control. In a year, the serum creatinine is high as 2.4. I can not wait or else I will do kidney transplant. Luckily, I find out that Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is doing Immunotherapy, and there is also Chinese herbs, which attracts to come to China.

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, the examination told me that there are many toxins which accumulated in the body, which indicates that more than half of kidney function is damaged. I take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which can help me clear away such toxins. Several days later, I feel the effect. My face turns a little reddish and I feel energetic. I even can feel that the blood flows smoothly in my body. BUN declines from 16.4 to 13.4 and serum creatinine declines from 202 to 174. The Chinese medicine is so miraculous. Immunotherapy is a miracle as well.

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