
Daily Diet for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is hard to treat at present. We should focus on how to control complications and to put off the development of Chronic Kidney Disease, so as to prevent it from deteriorating into Uremia. Patients should pay attention to the diet in daily life.
1. Low salt
a. Limit the intake of salt. The intake of salt should be 2g (about a toothpaste lid) at most every day.
b. Avoid salted snack. The salinity of salted fish is high, so do not eat it as far as possible.
c. Other food which should be restricted includes: ham, sausage, dried beef, dried pork, dried meat floss, dried soft fish, dried fish, salted eggs, meat paste, various canned fish, instant noodles, aginomoto, chicken essence and so on.
d. Fruit and vegetables that contain rich potassium. Potassium has the function of diuresis, which is helpful to excrete sodium to keep balance between sodium and potassium. These kinds of food include kelp, nori, agaric, Chinese yam, bananas, potatoes, fishes, tomatoes, mushrooms and so on.
2. Low fat How Much Water Should I Drink With Stage 4 CKD Is There a Diet That CKD Stage 4 Patient Can Follow
a. Eat more low-fat food: soya-bean milk, beansprots, potatoes, Chinese yam, carrot, celery, shallot, cauliflower, white gourd, cucumber, mushrooms, tomatoes and so on.Chinese Fruits and Vegetables Consumed by Stage 4 Kidney Failure
b. Foods that can reduce fat include : maize, oats, onions, garlics, brinjaul, celery, agarics, kelps, mushrooms, fishes and so on.
c. Food which is rich in cholesterol should be limited. Such food is as follows: animal innards, animal encephala, spinal marrow, viscera and yolk (yolk in each egg contains 250~300mg cholesterol).Can a Diet Improve Kidney Function for Stage 4 CKD
3. High quality protein
The common foods with high quality protein include: fishes, milk, eggs, beans and bean products. Fishes contain the best protein in animal protein, and soybeans contain the best protein in the vegetable protein.

Patients should obey the above rules to assist medical treatment. For detailed information, you can consult our online experts or email to me, we will provide you professional analysis and make proper treatment suggestion for you.

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