
Can Mercury Poisoning Lead to Nephrotic Syndrome?

Can mercury poisoning lead to Nephrotic Syndrome? Yes. Every lady hopes to be more beautiful and attractive, which makes them spend time and money on cosmetics and making up. However, the market in cosmetics is not so much in order and the beauty product is hard to be distinguished whether it will do harm to the body. If we are not cautious, we will make wrong choice and bring harm to our body. Here is an example which tells how cosmetics lead to Nephrotic Syndrome.
Miss Wang is an officer who is healthy all the time. She is beautiful and also is fond of making up. In 2012, April, 2th, she had swelling in her eyelids and face all of a sudden, which also frightened her. She went to hospital and to her surprise, she was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome! Why? In her blood test, doctor told her that the level of mercury is far out of normal range, which is 17 times as high as that of the normal range.
Doctors also point out that we should pay more attention to the cosmetics we are using. If we are working in a chemical factory, it is necessary for us to do blood test in hospital so as to know whether we are healthy and if not, we can take therapeutic measures in time.
Besides these, other factors can also lead to Nephrotic Syndrome.
1. infection
After infection such as respiratory tract infections, tonsillitis, enteritis, symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome may appear such as a large amount of proteinuria, edema in face or eyelids, and so on.
2. medicine

People who take in medicine for a long time may have Nephrotic Syndrome, the medicine of which is such as gentamicin, kanamycin, trimethoprim and sulphame-thoxazole, all of which may damage kidney after a long time of application.

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